Life is full of surprises—both good and bad—and to deal with them, you sometimes need a little magic. That’s where these life hacks come in. Whether you need a quick fix because your apartment feels totally disorganized, or you’re dealing with a deodorant stain five minutes before heading out the door, these will do the trick! Here are 14 helpful tips every twentysomething needs to memorize:
1. Remove wine stains using more wine!
You read that right—you can remove red wine stains by using white wine! The white wine neutralizes the color of the red wine on your shirt, which allows the stain to be removed much more easily using traditional methods.
2. Organize your makeup stash on a magnetic board.
This super easy idea allows you to easily organize and stick your makeup all to a magnetic board on your wall either in your dorm room or bathroom. Just hot glue magnets to the back of your products, then attach them to the magnetic board for easy storage. You’ll never be stuck searching for your mascara again!
3. Use straws to keep necklaces from getting tangled.
There is nothing worse than picking out an outfit and realizing that the necklace you wanted to wear with it is all knotted up. Save yourself some time and frustration by pulling a straw through the chain of your necklace when you store it, so you’ll never have to untangle your jewelry again.
4. Remove deodorant stains with dryer sheets.
It’s so frustrating to pull on a black top, then realize you got deodorant stains on your shirt! Thankfully, there’s a solution: you can rub a dryer sheet in circular motions to absorb the deodorant stain. Bonus: your shirt will smell extra good!
5. Use pool noodles or rolled up magazines to stand boots upright in your closet.
It can be difficult to make use of your small closet space when your tall boots are falling all over each other! Solution: cut pool noodles and put them in your boots for support. If you want to get fancy, wrap them in fabric to match your aesthetic. Either way, your boots can stand upright and take up less space!
6. Make your own shoe powder to deodorize.
We all know that awful smell that comes with wearing your super cute ballet flats without any socks! The challenging of removing that smell may seem almost impossible—but trust us, it’s not. Putting just a little bit of baking soda into a little breathable baggie, then placing that baggie inside of your shoes after wearing will help remove that smell and disinfect them. You’re welcome.
7. Clean up your mascara wand under hot water.
8. Hang hats, scarves or purses in your closet with shower curtain hooks.
This allows for easy storage and maximizing what little space you do have, especially in a college dorm room. The shower hooks are small and take up so little space—and bonus, you can see all of your purses at once instead of sifting through a pile of them on the floor!
9. Instead of bandages, use duct tape to cover a blister.
After a night out in heels, blisters can be so painful. Bandages tend to slip off easily, but duct tape doesn’t; it will keep the blister closed off and secure. Duct tape is also thicker than a bandage and provides more coverage.
10. Whiten your teeth with a banana peel.
Banana peels can lighten your teeth within just a few minuts. Just rub the inside of a banana peel in circular motions over your teeth, and let the paste it creates sit for up to twenty minutes before rinsing. Although this may seem unorthodox, using this method, you avoid extra chemicals like the ones you would find in typical teeth whiteners.
11. Keep your bobby pins in one place using an empty Tic Tac container.
12. Save space in your closet by using soda can tabs
Tiny closet? No problem! Slip a soda pop tab onto your hanger and add another hanger to that! This will save a ton of space so you’ll have plenty of room for all of your outfits!