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There’s a Dating Site for Single Bernie Sanders Supporters

Are you single and ready to mingle with others who are feeling the Bern? BernieSingles.com is just what you’ve been waiting for.

And yes, it’s exactly what it sounds like: BernieSingles.com is a dating website where you can meet and connect with other Bernie Sanders supporters. Using this site might just be better than trying to campaign for Sanders on Tinder.

As the site’s footer puts it: “The 1% aren’t the only ones getting screwed this election season.”

Membership is free, but it’s been made clear for whom BernieSingles.com has been created: “Hey, we are some proud Bernie supporters that thought it might be cool for us to have a place to meet other people and connect with supporters. Meet cool Bernie-loving dudes and dudettes. Meet people that have a general understanding of how the economy works! Or even meet people that aren’t complete bigots!” 

BernieSingles.com launched on Feb. 17, but visitors found this message soon after the site went live:

“Once the site went live, it went viral on reddit, Twitter and Facebook very rapidly,” Joshua Kaunert, Bernie Singles’ press liaison told Distractify in an e-mail. “We added over 1,000 members and handled 1,000,000 hits before the server crashed.”

As of publication, the website is back up and accepting members.

BernieSingles.com grew from the Bernie Sanders’ Dank Meme Singles Facebook group, as created by Beth Hannah.

Jordyn graduated in May 2015 with a B.A. in Communication Studies from Campbell University and currently works in the nifty world of social media and content marketing. Her favorite things include felt hats, black coffee, discounted Broadway show tickets, and the first eight seasons of "The Office." You can find her sharing her favorite news articles, getting thirsty for Schmackary's Cookies, and advocating for the Oxford comma on Twitter @jordyngum. If you're more into long-form content, check out her photoblog at www.jordyngum.photo.