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10 Signs You’re a Booty Call

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arizona chapter.

Wondering if your relationship with your new boo is just underneath the sheets or something real? Here are 10 signs that it’s not leaving the bed!

He will never text you at a reasonable hour or on weekdays.

If you are a Friday 2am booty call, he will not check in during the week to see how you are. He doesn’t care how you are. He only cares if you are available Thursday to Saturday between the hours of 12am to 4am or when he can’t find a girl that is DTF at the party he was just at. You are never his first choice. You are his plan B, C, D, E, F…. yeah you get it. If the sun hasn’t set for the day, don’t expect a text from this boy!

Note: I said boy, not man, because a man would never treat a lady with such disrespect. Using a woman for a late night sex stop is simply child’s play. 

He ignores you in public (during the day). 

If he sees you walking around campus, at the mall, at a restaurant, walking your dog, even breathing, and it’s in public, during the day, he will ignore you. He will pretend he doesn’t see you and that you have never even met. Guaranteed.

You only hear from him when he is fucked up.

So it’s Friday morning and when you wake up and check your phone, you see you have 8 missed calls and 5 texts from ______(insert fuckboy name in the space provided), which were all sent at 2am. He wanted to shag you after his Thursday night turn up, but you were asleep. Since you are only a booty call to this fellow, expect this frequently!

He strings you along; leaving you hopeful things will change.

He says and does just enough to make you think he likes you, but, in reality, he treats you like shit. He will say he wants to date you or hang out with you more before, or during, a hook up, but after he leaves, you never hear from him again until the next 2am phone call. He is full of shit and playing you like a deck of cards.

He refers to you as babe, baby, hun, anything but your actual name. 

You will rarely hear him say your name while hanging out with him, because he is balancing multiple girls at once and doesn’t want to say the wrong name. He will use cute little nicknames, like babe and baby, to make you think you’re special, but he is just protecting his ass from saying the wrong name. Plus, he is probably drunk!

He will set up a date but never follow through.

He can see you’re getting tired of his games and decides to invite you on a date to keep you at ease, however, he never actually plans on showing up. When it is time for him to pick you up for this “date,” you won’t hear from him until a few hours has past and he will come up with some bullshit excuse as to why he couldn’t come. These excuses are always something lame, like “I fell asleep,” or ” “My phone died”…the dumbest excuses ever!

He will try to avoid cuddling and spending the night.

When you are a booty call, the last thing a guy wants to do is cuddle after sex, and there is no chance he will spend the night. Guys don’t like to give or show emotion to girls they do not value. They have no respect for girls they deem a “booty call,” so don’t expect them to cuddle.

He will never introduce you to his friends, family, or even roommates

When a guy is interested in a girl, they want to show her off, not keep her hidden. If he never introduces you to anyone…you are not special to him and he does not take you seriously at all. Why would he? You are giving him sex whenever he pleases and he has to put forth minimal to no effort.

He is charming to you before you have sex, but afterwards he becomes a dick. 

He will say anything and everything to you, in hopes it will score him a chance in your pants. The false attention he is showering you with and the fake-ass compliments he is telling you are short lived, because once he gets what he wants, he is gone, figuratively and probably physically, too. His charming personality will quickly disappear and he will want nothing to do with you…until the next booty call that is.

He will never talk about the future with you 

He will never talk about the future with you, because he doesn’t plan to have you in his. It’s as simple as that. If you ever ask a question about where the relationship stands, what you guys are or how he feels about you…he will avoid this topic to the best of his ability. If you are persistent, he will eventually say some bullshit response like “Now’s just not a good time for me to be in a relationship, I’m too busy” or “I just got out of a long term relationship and want to take things slow.” These are lies; he just doesn’t want to be with you.

So now you know the 10 signs to look for while hanging out with your guy. If you are experiencing even 2 or 3 of these signs…you’re probably a booty call. Time for you to ditch this loser and find a man that will treat you right! Don’t settle for less than you are worth ladies, because you are worth so much more than being used by a man. You are beautiful and it’s time you are treated with respect.