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Finals Week as Told by Cristina Yang

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C of C chapter.

Finals Week is here again ….


When everyone goes a little insane and is on edge 24/7.

When you get absolutely no sleep.


So this becomes your life…

When breakdowns are acceptable.

Knowing you should study, but not actually doing it.

So you just lie in bed instead.

Going to finals week events …


When one of your friends doesn’t study, but aces the exam …

The feelings you have towards your professor …

How you feel after the entire day spent in the Library.


Walking out of a difficult final like …

Waiting for your exam grades like …

But you get through it.

And soon exams are FINALLY over…


And you’re done!


You’re brilliant, collegiette!

I'm a junior Marketing major here at CofC, and I'm spending my remaining days at the College living life to the fullest. I'm a Her Campus Campus Correspondent, and a brand ambassador for a few fashion companies. I love traveling, the beach, decorating, and have an obsession with iced caramel macciatos. I watch the Kardashians religously and my all-time favorite movie is Legally Blonde. I'm a go getter and dream big. You can follow me on insta at @christine_pearson