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7 Things Girls Who Like Sports Are Sick Of Hearing

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gettysburg chapter.

When you’re a female sports fan, you’re bound to hear a few of these!  1.  “Is it just to watch the guys?”

We’d be lying if we said attractive guys didn’t improve certain sports, but it’s certainly not the only reason we enjoy them!  

2.  “There’s no way you actually understand what’s going on.”  

Why no, please explain that touchdown on third base, will you?  *rolls eyes*

3. Guys who don’t and are insecure about it.  

No, I promise I’m not more masculine than you, sweetie.  Stupid society and their stupid stereotypes.  


4.  “Seriously though, it’s the pants, right?” 

How dare I watch for the love of the game?  

5. Guys who think that sportiness means higher chances with a girl who likes sports.  

Yes, I like sports.  No, I don’t like you.  



6.  The Pink Jersey Debate

If you want to wear pink, wear pink.  If you’d rather sport your team’s colors, be my guest!  Why fight about it?  


7. Fake female sports fan

We admit it, these stereotypes wouldn’t exist without some reason.  We don’t want to sell out our fellow ladies, but why pretend to like a sport?  It’s not impressing that guy, trust us.  


So go ahead and like whatever sport you want, girls (or don’t, if you’d prefer!), and don’t let anyone tell you you’re doing it wrong. 

Juliette Sebock, Founder: Jules founded the Gettysburg College chapter of Her Campus in Fall 2015 and served as Campus Correspondent until graduating in Spring 2018. Juliette graduated from Gettysburg College in 2018 with an English major and History/Civil War Era Studies/Public History triple minors. In addition to HC, she was a member of the Spring 2017 class of Advanced Studies in England and of various organizations including Eta Sigma Phi, Dance Ensemble, and Poetry Circle. She has published a poetry chapbook titled Mistakes Were Made, available on Amazon and Goodreads, and she has poems forthcoming in several literary magazines. She is also the editor-in-chief of Nightingale & Sparrow Magazine and runs the lifestyle blog, For the Sake of Good Taste. For more information, visit https://juliettesebock.com.