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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gettysburg chapter.

*This article originally appeared on Thoughts, Opinions, and Everything in Between*

Okay, so maybe you don’t neeeeeeed all of these things, at least not in an absolute sense.  For me, though, they’re pretty darn crucial to making it through those strenuous study sessions.


And backups.  Bonus points if you have a sharpener.  I’m a fan of Dixon Ticonderogas (like, die-hard fan, don’t judge me), but I’ll sometimes cave and use mechanical to avoid the panic of a dull point.

Coloured Pens

With whiteout.  There is very little in this world (and don’t ask me what) that isn’t better when colour-coded.  I find it especially helpful to re-write notes in different colours, like vocab words in orange.


These are my absolute favourite!  So many pretty colours!  Colour-code and prettify ALL the notes and study guides!


Chances are, if you need to study a subject, you can utilize flashcards in some way (except maybe applied mathematics, but who wants to do that anyway??).  Use a case like this one to keep your stacks organized.


If you’re utilizing the library, you can’t write in the books (if you aren’t utilizing the library, what the $^@% is wrong with you???).  Use post-its to note important points, pre-write citations, etc.  The flags are great for marking pages, as I’m sure you know!

Sharpie Pens

Okay, so you could really use any pen, but these are by far the best, in my opinion (these get the silver medal, though!).


Nothing is as bad as getting dehydrated while holed up in the library/academic building/dorm desk.


Same goes for caffeine withdrawal, only double.

Playlist or Noise

If you like to study with music, have a go-to playlist of motivational songs (see mine here!).  If that’s not your style, but the silence is too much to bear, check out white/any other color noise.  I recommend Noizio!  Note:  USE HEADPHONES to avoid angry glares/comments from your peers.


Hear me out.  Sleep is important.  College kids lead crazy hectic lives.  Naps are crucial.


And Pinterest, if you can handle the temptation to browse.  With study tips and answers to nearly any question you could have, the internet is your friend.  Check out my personal board of college tips here!


Or Tylenol/Motrin/whatever painkiller you prefer.  Just have something for the seemingly inevitable headache, so you can knock it out as quickly as possible.

Leggings & a sweatshirt/sweater.

You want to be as comfy as possible when studying, but not so comfy that you want to fall asleep immediately (that means you, cat pajamas).  The cozier the outfit, the better the study session.

Vitamins & Emergen-C (or equivalent Vitamin C)

Avoid sickness with some proactivity!

Self Control

Not only the actual virtue, but the app or an equivalent can help quell your temptation to check your Instagram every five minutes.


This one’s a bit contested, but I often find that a low-profile show playing in the background is the perfect “noise” to aid my studying, and it makes it seem a lot less like hard work.

Most importantly, know yourself and what works for you!

Juliette Sebock, Founder: Jules founded the Gettysburg College chapter of Her Campus in Fall 2015 and served as Campus Correspondent until graduating in Spring 2018. Juliette graduated from Gettysburg College in 2018 with an English major and History/Civil War Era Studies/Public History triple minors. In addition to HC, she was a member of the Spring 2017 class of Advanced Studies in England and of various organizations including Eta Sigma Phi, Dance Ensemble, and Poetry Circle. She has published a poetry chapbook titled Mistakes Were Made, available on Amazon and Goodreads, and she has poems forthcoming in several literary magazines. She is also the editor-in-chief of Nightingale & Sparrow Magazine and runs the lifestyle blog, For the Sake of Good Taste. For more information, visit https://juliettesebock.com.