Looking for cute décor for your apartment? These DIY vases are super affordable and perfect for the upcoming holidays! You will need a glass cylinder vase, you can find these pretty much anywhere… if you get lucky you might even be able to find one at the dollar store! Also some rubber bands and candles. The most important item is spray paint- I personally think white looks the best, but you can experiment with whatever color you want!
Step 1:
Put the rubber bands around the vase, as little or as many as you want.
You can overlap them to make a cool pattern.
Step 2:
Spray the vase with whatever spray paint you chose.
You may need to do more than one coat to make it darker.
Step 3:
Let the vase dry, and then carefully remove the rubber bands.
Step 4:
Add candles that are tall enough for you to put in the vase.
There you have it girls, super cheap, easy, and modern decoration! These would even make great gifts for Christmas! So head to the store & pick up these materials and you can have a vase like this in no time.