It’s that time of year again! The newest members of IU sororities are gearing up for big/little reveal. In sorority world, getting your big is even better than getting a bid! We’ve compiled a few cute ideas that make for great big/little gifts!
1. Confidence Boosting Canvas. Make her feel amazing everyday. Your little can hang up an inpsirational canvas in her dorm that’ll brighten up her day and inspire her to be her best self.
2. Painted Sorority Letters. Every new member can’t wait to represent her sorority. Give her some letters to hang on her wall!
3. Tons of T-shirts. Similar to hanging letters on the wall, your little will want to proudly wear her new letters wherever she goes.
4. Picture-Perfect Picture Frame. So she can remember you forever!
5. Cooler Child. Warning: this is not an easy one. Coolers take a long time to make, but it’ll all be worth it when you see the smile on your little’s face. It’s the perfect gift, especially with spring break coming up.