With spring break comes spring break season, the time of year that has inspired countless movies about rowdy teens wreaking havoc on all places with cheap hotels and warm climates. However, it is also a time when people go home and spend time with their families, and the really lucky bunch get to wreak havoc on places with warm climates with their families. I’ve traveled with my family many a time, but this spring break was the first time my dad and I have gone away together without my mom and my sister. Having a nice father-daughter trip under my belt, I highly recommend it. Here’s why:
1. Dads let you pick.
The restaurant, the food, the location on the beach, the time for dinner… Dads tend to be pretty quick to let you call the shots on vacation. Parents are pretty selfless people in their own right, but the simplicity in the selflessness really comes out on vacation––all they want is for their kids to enjoy a few stress-free days. This picture my dad took of me devouring my large cotton candy perfectly captures the joy parents love to see.
2. You have to do minimal compromising.
This sort of goes along with the fact that dads let you call the shots, but when you go on vacation with your parents you seldom have to compromise your wants and needs. If you like to get up early to walk on the beach, you don’t have to worry about your disturbing your friends that sleep until noon. If you want to sleep in instead of going shopping, your dad won’t care. Not having to compromise with friends is pretty great.
3. Dads are pretty non judgemental folks.
I probably shouldn’t share this information on the world wide web, but when my dad and I arrived at my grandparents’ condo, I realized that I forgot my flip flops and consequently had to borrow my grandpa’s rubber slides to go to the beach. I quite literally stole my grandpa’s style, and my dad couldn’t care less. Dads usually don’t care what your shoes look like, if you dress like you’re colorblind, or whether or not you’re wearing makeup. They also don’t seem to care if you want to go to bed at 8 PM. Not only do you not have to worry about impressing your dad, but you also really don’t have to worry about your dad judging you. Who wants to be judged on vacation? No one.
4. Dads are fun and mad cool.
Every dad is different, but they’ve all got cool things to share, from fun facts to a funky taste in music. Being constantly surrounded by college-aged students is fun, but it gets redundant. It’s nice to come home from college and enjoy the company of people from different age groups with different perspectives. You might even go back to school with some great new playlists!
5. Vacation is great bonding time.
Once you go off to college, the amount of time you have to bond with your parents goes way down, especially when you’re all stressed about work and school. Going on vacation is relaxing, which makes it the perfect time to bond with your dad. I’ve always been close to my parents, but my dad and I have never shared as many laughs as we did on vacation.At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter where you go or what you do, but how you choose to spend your time. Sometimes, time is just best spent with a ‘rent. Thanks for being rad, Dad!
Image Credit: Featured Image, Hannah Anain