People commonly go through the five stages of grief during hard times in their lives. It is a process that really helps people feel better at their own pace. Well, a huge obstacle is upon us now Ramblers: the end of Thanksgiving Break. Here is a little help from the Friends crew on how we might cope with this tragedy.
Stage 1: Denial – Thanksgiving break is coming to an end and instead of studying for your upcoming tests and getting ready to get back in the college flow, you just pretend like you don’t have any homework and say that everything is fine.
And when your family tells you to pack because you have to go back to campus soon or your roomies text you to make plans for the day you get back, you tune them all out because Thanksgiving break isn’t over, it can’t be. It’s NOT over.
Stage 2: Anger – After you realize that Thanksgiving break really is coming to an end and you have to get back to work soon, you literally feel your blood boiling. Did my professors all have to make everything due the same week? Isn’t it called Thanksgiving BREAK?!
And if you could, you would do this to all of your professors when you go to class because all those assignments kept you from truly enjoying your Thanksgiving. And yes, by truly enjoying Thanksgiving, I’m talking about stuffing your face everyday with all the food in your house and binge-watching Netflix without having to worry about schoolwork.
Stage 3: Bargaining – At this stage, you question what is going on and start to think hypothetically about the past. What if I started my paper before Thanksgiving break? What if I studied a bit each day during break? What if I was a better person, would Thanksgiving break have been longer?
And when you finally write your paper, you are too busy thinking of possibilities that could have occurred in the past, that you cannot even get your grammar straight. So, you start daydreaming about what your professor will say to you once he reads your heinous essay.
Stage 4: Depression – As Thanksgiving break comes to a close and you realize you have to go back to Loyola and start being an adult again, you start to get really sad. You cry the whole night before you have to make the trek back to campus and you just sit in bed and watch emotional and heartbreaking movies because you just want to be alone and drown in your sorrows.
You also text your friends to ask what to do to stop feeling so sad about going back to school, and they don’t help at all because they are going through the same thing. They do try to cheer you up with a joke, though, because that’s what friends are for.
Stage 5: Acceptance – This is the stage we are all in now: finally back on campus and coming to terms with fate. Thanksgiving break is really over and it’s time for all of us to get it together and finish this semester strong. You go back to living your life by doing and saying things that regular people your age obviously do or say.
You are ready to tackle whatever homework assignment comes your way because you are in a state of total mental awareness.
And you’re happy again so you can go back to jumping around by or in the lake with your squad.