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10 Reasons Why You Should Thank Your Sister

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

1. She is the only person who has put you in your place throughout your whole life…

2. But despite the teasing and bickering, she is the one who is always right by your side.

3. Sisters teach you everything you need to know about growing up.

4. She has seen you at your worst…

And at your best.. but loves you anyway.

5. She endures the long lectures from your parents with you… OK Mom we get it, who says we can’t watch TV for three days straight?

6. She is the only one who completely understands every PMS symptom you have.

7. She is the first one you call when you are feeling sad and no matter what, she makes things feel a little bit better. 

8. She never lets you leave the house looking embarressinlgy hideous!

9. She is the only one who understands how to make your day brighter and you never have to worry about pigging out by yourself. Let’s face it, chocolate equals happiness.

10. Thank your sister, she is your lifelong friend!

Aspiring mermaid, professional food tester and napper, but for now I'll stick to writing. Manhattan College Campus Correspondent!