When it’s already Thursday afternoon and I’m still trying to find a costume that is the perfect mix of creative and slutty.
When my friends try to get me to be the dumpy character in the group costume.
When I (read: pinterest) come up with the *perfect* costume idea.
When my roommate catches me lurking in her closet for accessories.
When I put the finishing touches on my costume and can’t believe how good it looks.
When it’s time to hit the frat quad.
When some chick shows up to the party in the same costume as me, but mine is obvious WAAYYY cuter.
When I see my crush across the room.
When it’s clear I’ve had a bit too much generic 7-up and lukewarm skol.
When I’m trying really, really hard to get my crush to invite me back to his ~room~.
When he finally bites and it’s time to get bizzy.
When I wanna PTFO, but he tries to cuddle.
When I wake up the next morning and realize I have to walk home last night’s costume.
When I do my best to lie low on my walk-of-shame, but it’s impossible to be inconspicuous scurrying down on Sheridan Road in a seashell bra / drawn-on whiskers / shiny tube top.
When I make it back to my dorm and my roommates tell me I’m a mess, but I’m proud of a job well done.
Happy Halloween, (wild)cats.
** I own none of these images / GIFs. They all came from Google. Thx Google!