Greetings wildkats. It’s that time of the year again: FALL QUARTER READING WEEK. A whole five days of total absence from responsibilites. A time to nap, and a time to sleep. A time to netflix, and a time to drink. It’s like Christmas and Dillo Day and syllabus week all wrapped up into one. To kick this fabulous week off, I present to you: Thoughts During Reading Week, As Told By The Office GIFs. (If you’re not in Weinberg, I don’t care. Don’t even pretend like you’re letting two hours of class a day get in the way of all of this week’s festivities.)
When you wake up Monday morning and realize you don’t have to get out of bed for 9am discussion.
When you actually have time to go to the gym, volunteer, go to the bank, and get lunch with friends.
When you decide to get a headstart on studying for finals, and crack open your books Tuesday afternoon.
When Tuesday evening rolls around, and you’ve studied for at least 25 minutes, so you deserve a little break.
When the end of the week approaches, and it’s crush parties, formals, bar nights, and student group parties galore…
When you wake up Saturday morning and realize you didn’t quite get to the 5 weeks worth of reading you put off until reading week.
When you spend all of Saturday and Sunday cramming for your tests, neglecting personal hygeine and adequate nutrition.
When you’ve studied for so many hours straight that nothing makes sense anymore.
When you wake up Monday morning of finals week and reflect wistfully on the artificial sense of security you felt one week prior, at the start of reading week.
But reading week was such a damn good time, you’ll have to let this one slide.
Happy reading week, ‘cats. TREAT. YO. SELF.
**All GIFs from Google. Thx Google!