The newest service event to hit Oklahoma State University is Dance Marathon. Bringing this event to OSU has taken a lot of hard work, all led by an executive team with Camille Thompson as its head. The actual event, which is Feb. 18 in the OSU Alumni Center, is a 10-hour-long dance-a-thon when participants will “stay on their feet through dancing, games and entertainment in celebration of the total amount raised at the end of the night,” Thompson said. The funds raised will directly contribute to the Children’s Hospital Foundation in Oklahoma City, Okla.
To understand more about the cause and her involvement, I asked her a few questions:
1. What is Dance Marathon?
Dance Marathon is a nationwide movement involving students at more than 150 schools across the country, all raising money for the Children’s Miracle Network Hospital in their community… It is entirely student run and… the money raised is wisely invested to provide the funding that helps determine the causes and find treatments and cures for some of the deadliest childhood diseases. Ongoing research must continue. Research is the key that will unlock answers and put an end to many of the devastating and life threatening childhood illnesses Oklahoma’s children battle every day.
2. How did you get involved with Dance Marathon?
Last spring I applied for a Public Relations internship with Children’s Hospital Foundation in Oklahoma City not really knowing what to expect or how the interview would go. During the interview I learned about Dance Marathon and how OU has been hosting one for years, and how OSU is actually one of the only Big 12 schools who is not part of Dance Marathon. Before I could walk out of the interview I was hired and my mind was set that I had to bring it to our campus.
3. What made you want to start Dance Marathon here at OSU?
I wanted to start OSU Dance Marathon for a lot of reasons. First, being a senior this year has been difficult. I have fallen in love with Oklahoma State and all the people I have met here and don’t want to leave! I decided I wanted to leave a mark on campus that made a difference in hope others would follow. I couldn’t think of any better way to do so than by starting something college students, faculty, families and the community would enjoy here at OSU. Second, anyone who knows me knows I love kids! Knowing kids are suffering and needing help is unbearable to think about. I just knew that if I could really make this happen here at OSU we could be helping and improving the lives of so many more kids!
4. What is your favorite part about being involved?
My favorite part about being involved is knowing that I am making a difference right here in Oklahoma. We can see exactly where our funds are going and what effect it has on Oklahoma’s kids! I also have met some incredible OSU students and faculty through this all that I wouldn’t have gotten to know without OSU Dance Marathon.
5. What are you most excited about for DM this year?
I am most excited about the night. Since it is our first year it has been hard explaining the cause and what we are trying to accomplish, but Feb. 18 will tell it all! A few miracle families and kids are going to be at our event sharing their stories and that is why we are there. I can’t express how proud I am of the feedback we have gotten from everyone here in Stillwater this first year. At midnight on Feb. 18, when we reveal the total amount raised, that alone is what I am most excited about because our hard work and dedication will have paid off!
6. How would you like to see DM grow after this first year?
After this year, I would love to see more people get involved with OSU Dance Marathon and jump on board to help improve the lives of Oklahoma’s kids! I have high hopes that OSU Dance Marathon will continue to grow and stay a tradition on our campus.
To learn more about Dance Marathon and how you can be involved, visit or follow them on Twitter, @OSUDM