Alright dedicated Her Campus readers, it’s about that time of year where a much needed celebration is necessary. A celebration for what, you may ask? YOU! Sweet, beautiful and amazing you. You’ve made it through yet another year of college filled with late nights of studying, too cold for life winters, and tears shed over the embarrassing circumstances you can’t exactly remember. You deserve to give yourself some appreciation, a little thank you to the person you are for pushing through life one step at a time. So the question is, how are you going to do it? The Her Campus Summer Survival Kit has all the essentials on how to adequately toast to all of your lovely accomplishments.
Below is the list of some of the great things we received to start this summer off right, as told by members of Full House (I don’t know about you guys, but I thought it was quite fitting considering the exciting news that there will be a reunion of the show in 2016). Ahh, so much to celebrate, let’s get to it!
1. Boohoo “April Shower” Ponchos: It always make us feel that much better when we feel beautiful while celebrating. Although April is over, we can never determine what Mother Nature is going to throw at us, so why not be prepared? As we scream and shout that summer is arriving, it’s always a plus being able to protect our hair from getting ruined by the weather! Oh and did I mention, they’re pink!
5. Blink Tattoos: Okay, so maybe taking a trip to the tattoo shop and getting a Block O on your shoulder isn’t really your forte. Understandable. Embrace your inner boho chic by rocking these jewelry inspired, nonpermanent blink tattoos that are most definitely coming into style this summer. Celebrate a new and improved you on the beach, at a music festival, or any other event you have planned this summer. I have a feeling you’d receive Uncle Jessie’s attention ;)
6. Rich Bitch by Nicole Lapin: Honestly, who needs boys this summer when you are being the absolute best version of you. Nothing is sexier than an independent woman who can buy what she wants, go where she wants, and doesn’t need a fella by her side to support her. This new book, written by money expert and financial journalist Nicole Lapin, shares her experiences of getting her own finances in order. Rehab whatever bad money habits you might have and get inspired to manage your bank account with wisdom. Soon enough, you’ll be able to snap your fingers twice and celebrate the fact that money doesn’t control you, you control your money.
Have a great summer!