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The Best Things About Having Great Roommates

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Point Park chapter.

This blog was written by Audra Lewis

When starting off college you have many things to be worried about. Your studies, making new friends, adjusting to the new lifestyle, and most importantly having a roommate for the first time. As for myself, I was lucky enough to have known a little bit about my roommate before school started. Having a roommate that you can share your laughs, tears and experiences in college with makes the memories even more memorable. You can always rely on this person, because of the bond you have created. I can say from my experiences with my roommates, they have changed the title “Roommates” to “Sisters.” Here are some great perks of having a great roommate.

Sharing each other clothes:

Knowing someone will always have your back: Having that feeling that your roommate will have your back, you never know when you will need her but you know for sure she will be there in a second


Supporting You in All Your Decisions: Even in the worst and best situation you will always have your partner in crime by your side

Having Late Night Talks: Those heart to heart talks at 3 a.m. doesn’t come easy but when you need someone to listen to your problems she is the one to go to and will listen no matter how late it is

Getting through College With: Through the good times, bad times, and everyother weird part of college, you guys will go through it together

Having the Best Pictures: Because sometimes you need to have the best pictures to remind you what happened the night before


Most Importantly Always having her Around: Knowing that she will always be there no matter what is what makes you such amazing friends


Lexie Mikula is senior Mass Communications major at Point Park University from Harrisburg, PA. Lexie held the position of Campus Correspondent and contributing editor-in-chief of HC Point Park from May 2014 - May 2016. In addition to social journalism and media, she enjoys rainy days in the city, dogs with personality, watching The Goonies with her five roommates (and HC teammates!), and coffee... copious amounts of coffee.