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Corey Crawford ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMCVT chapter.

It’s that time of the week again! Our next lucky individual to be voted Her Campus SMCVT Campus Cutie is none other than Corey Crawford. He just turned twenty and is single and ready to mingle! Watch out St. Mike’s!

Name: Corey Crawford II
Birthday: September 10th, 1992
Hometown: Dover, Delaware
Year: Sophomore
Major: Accounting
Relationship Status: Single

What is your favorite food? I’ll eat pretty much anything; I’m not too picky. Thanksgiving dinner
is my favorite though.

What is your favorite type of music? I’ll listen to pretty much anything except country.

What is your least favorite word? I don’t really have one.

Finish this sentence: The best part of waking up is… Folgers in your cup…hahaha, just playing.
Waking up every day itself is a blessing, so I would say the best part is embracing life and taking advantage of every opportunity you can. College is only 4 years so you might as well have fun and make the most out of it. Knowing that my family is in good health and everything is going well is a good feeling too.

Would you rather have the power of invisibility or the power to read minds? Definitely read
minds, that would be cool.

Which is more important, looks or personality? Of course, you’re probably not going to be with
somebody you’re not attracted to, but personality is definitely more important.
Sometimes I think people put too much emphasis on looks. Somebody who is down to earth, easy to talk to, funny, and intelligent are all attractive qualities ..somebody like my best friend but even more. It’s not all about the looks, the personality actually makes the person.

Who is your celebrity crush? Sanna Lathan, Jessica Alba, Mila Kunis

What was the last movie/book/show that made you cry? The Help had a few sad parts, I didn’t
cry though.

If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which would you chose? I think it would have
to be SportsCenter or Spiderman.

Alex is a junior at Saint Michel's College and is pursuing a degree in business administration. Alex is from Massachusetts but loves beautiful Vermont (minus the freezing cold, snowy winters)! She loves being involved on campus - besides running the Saint Mike's Branch of Her Campus, she is a tour guide and blogger for her college and a mentor to a second-grader. Alex plans on studying-abroad in Ireland and would love to move to Boston or New York City after graduation. She is uber passionate about social media and marketing and hopes to attend business school in the future. In her free time, Alex enjoys baking, taking naps, going to the movies with friends, and telling jokes about pirates.