With the New Year’s season upon us, a lot of people are going to have the New Year’s resolution to start living a healthy lifestyle and start exercising more. Many people go a few weeks eating healthy and working out but eventually lose the motivation and go back to their old ways. Here’s how to push through the first few weeks of changing up your lifestyle choices and how to stay motivated.
Only do workouts that you enjoy doing
Don’t run if the thought of running makes you want to throw up. If you’re not comfortable going to the gym, don’t force yourself, and try working out at home instead! Walking on the treadmill with an incline is an amazing form of cardio, and there are tons of workout videos and YouTubers that post workouts to do comfortably in your own home (some of my favorites are blogilates, Whitney Simmons and Fitness Blender).
Set realistic goals
Don’t make a goal that you want to lose 30 pounds; make a goal that you want to lose five pounds. Smaller, more realistic goals seem more reachable, and you won’t give up as easily. If your goal is to become faster, start with something tiny, like taking 15 seconds off your running time.
Make going to the gym or working out part of your routine
If you’re not a morning person, don’t wake up at 6 a.m. every morning to work out because you’re going to hate it. Make it a part of your routine, and make it work for you.
Take progress pictures
It might not feel amazing to take progress pictures towards the beginning of your journey, but when you start losing the five pounds and setting more goals and seeing results, comparing those pictures is an amazing feeling.
Make a #fitstagram
Having an Instagram dedicated just to fitness goals, following other people that are into fitness, and being able to share your own progress and goals is extremely motivating. Feeling down? Log into your fitsa. It is a giant support system.
Put working out on your to-do list
If you write it down, you’re more likely to actually do it.
Make it a date
Ask a friend if they want to work out with you, set a time, and be there.
Buy new workout clothes
Having a closet full of cute leggings or buying a new pair of tennis shoes makes you want to wear them.
It sucks the first few weeks, but remember that it takes 30 days for something to become a habit and that it does get easier. Remember that what you are doing is so beneficial for your overall health and that you are on the way to feeling the best you’ve ever felt. Don’t give up, collegiettes!