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5 Inspirational Quotes from Michael Scott of The Office

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

If there is anyone who knows how to lift you up when you’re down, it’s Michael Gary Scott, the Regional Manager of Dunder Mifflin – Scranton. With just a few simple yet complicated or even non-existent words from him, you’ll begin to smile and be reminded that you can make it through anything. 

Here’s some of Michael’s inspirational words for the ever-so-busy-and-overwhelmed Collegiette: 

Whenever those days come along where we just can’t understand whatever it is we learned in that 8AM lecture, sometimes its okay to take a break and dramatize things – like Michael… 

Whenever that girl in your Zumba class seems to think she’s got it all down and you’re tripping over your own two feet just remember…

Whenever we realize that we have two exams, three essays, and six readings due all in the same week – we just need to…

Whenever we get through that ridiculously jam-packed week of everything we do, we have to remember to reward ourselves…

Whenever we are feeling strong and proud, because yet again we know how to hold our own, remember not to hide your confidence

Collegiettes, it’s very important to remember there is nothing in this world that we cannot do if we set our minds to it. Just remind yourself of all that you are, with some of Michael’s words to start kicking butts and taking names!

*All GIFs found on GIPHY. 

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Ellanje Ferguson

U Mass Amherst

Ellanje Ferguson is a senior Journalism and Communications double-major at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. She serves as the current Campus Correspondent-President and was the former Head Photographer and Social Media Director of Her Campus UMass Amherst. She has a large interest in writing, social media and fashion editorial work. She loves to write and give style advice! Aside from this, she enjoys blogging, listening to music, and of course - shopping.
Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst