I’m usually the type of girl who has mostly female friends, and don’t get me wrong, I am a huge advocate of empowering female-female relationships. But there’s something special about having that one platonic guy friend that you can be yourself around without the pressure of any sort of romance. If you’ve got that close guy friend in your life, here are some things you’ve probably experienced.
1. Being mistaken for a couple, like, all the time.
So maybe the first time it happened, the two of you immediately corrected the person, and the second time it happened, both of you awkwardly explained the truth. The third time it happened, you both cringed. But now, you’ll make gagging noises and proclaim that the very idea of dating each other is disgusting, or maybe you’ll play along with the joke. Whatever the two of you decide to do, you know that you can have a solid friendship without the pressure of romance hanging in the air. Just because you’re members of the opposite sex doesn’t mean you’re automatically attracted to each other.
2. Relationship advice at any hour.
Whether it’s your ex texting you at an odd hour of the morning or that cute guy from your bio lab asking if you want to study together, sometimes you just don’t know how to react in guy situations. Luckily enough, if you’ve got a close guy friend, you can instantly text him and ask him whether or not your reaction to certain situtations is appropriate. In exchange, he’ll probably ask you about the best way to approach that cute girl he’s had his eye on or whether or not he should text the girl he was talking to at the last football game.
3. Listening to gross jokes (and also making a few yourself).
There are some jokes usually reserved for raunchy R-rated comedies, but those are the jokes that your guy friend will make. Usually you’ll roll your eyes, and sometimes you’ll tell him off. But other times, you’ll come back with an equally terrible joke that you know your girl friends would be grossed out by, but it’s a huge hit with your guy friend.
4. You have someone to do ‘guy’ things with.
It could be sports, videogames, beer, fishing, cars or Quentin Tarantino movies — basically anything that your regular crew of girl friends just isn’t into for whatever reason. But you and your guy friend totally bond over whatever that thing is. It’s good to have someone to share your interests with. And, on the opposite hand, he has someone to do more stereotypical ‘girly’ things with, whether it be hitting the mall, doing crafts, baking or catching up on Grey’s Anatomy. You two know that gendered activities are outdated and can enjoy what you want with each other.
5. He puts up with you and you put up with him.
No matter what crazy things you end up doing and whatever stupid things he ends up saying, you guys have a mutual tolerance for each other. Maybe that involves him stopping you from doing something particularly strange or you calling him out for saying something particularly rude, but that’s because you aren’t afraid to call each other out. In the end, you know it’s for the best.
6. You’re there for each other.
This is something all friendships should have, but it’s an important thing to note nonetheless. You always have a shoulder to cry on, and he always has someone to turn to when he’s feeling down. At this point, you’ve seen each other on good days and bad days, and you both know you’re in it for the long run.
If these experiences make you think of a guy in your life, then show him your appreciation. Or you can just roll your eyes at him if he starts to get too cocky. Either way, take a moment to acknowledge the fact that you’ve got a solid friendship that’s here to stay.
Photo credit: www.housley.com