From staying up late at night trying to finish a 10 page paper to learning all the class materials in one night, we’ve come to an understanding that finals week sucks! The times where we watched countless episodes of Gossip Girl on Netflix rather than keeping up with the class assignments have all come back to haunt us during finals. Although you may be feeling stressed out right now, we have 5 helpful tips to help you stay calm . Thanks to HC National for providing amazing products to help us relax during finals week.
1. Enjoy a cup of tea while watching your favorite Christmas movie.
My favorite brand to puchase tea from is definitely Yogi because they have a huge variety of teas that serve different functions. When I need an energy booster from long hours of studying , my go to flavor would be the Sweet Tangerine Positive Energy. It’s so relaxing to enjoy my favorite cup of tea while watching Elf rather than stuffing my face in my Economics textbook.
2. Treat yourself with a sheet mask.
My face is at its worse especially during finals week because of the amount of school work I have to complete. My eye bags are darker than usual and the acne on my face is out of control. To deal with my terrible skin, I like to put on the 7 Wonders Kalahari Melon Moisturizing Mask from Leaders Cosmetics. It’s quick and easy way to restore moisture back to the skin. Click here to learn more about the product and what our opinions were.
3. Put down your Anatomy notes and try reading a new book to help you destress.
I know finding a new book to read can be a little fustrating because you aren’t sure if this book is worth to purchase, but don’t worry Book of the Month has you covered. BOTM is a monthly book subscription that helps its users discover great new books based on their interests, but by the sixth month users are able to choose which books they would like to recieve. The best thing about this subscription is that it’s free shipping and it delivers compelling books that are worth your time to read.
4. Go to the Gym
It is proven that exercise and other physical activity helps produce endorphins (chemicals in the brain that act as painkillers) and improve the ability to sleep. During finals week sleeping becomes a foreign activity because all I can think about is school. Without a good night of sleep I get really grumpy and lazy, so going to the gym has helped put me in a better mood.
5. Now that your are done with finals, go out and have a good night with your friends.
After a long week of taking exams and writing papers, I think I owe myself a night out with my friends. For the past couple of weeks, these 4 products from Rimmel London have been my favorite products to incoporate in my night-out makeup routine. Rimmel London offers quality makeup for college students who are staying on a budget. If you want to see an honest review from one of our contributing writers check out : Four New Rimmel London Products That You Need In Your Makeup Bag .