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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

Say hello to the man of the week, a member of the class of 2013, Ben Grande.  Maybe we should say bonjor, since this cultured cutie spent some time studying in France last spring.  Ben is from Portsmouth, Rhode Island and is majoring in history.  His dream job is to one day become a history teacher, any teachers pets out there? He loves football and is a huge fan of the New England Patriots.  Got your attention? You can find out more about this stud by bumping into him at the bars on the weekends; which he told us is the best place to meet UNH girls.          

Hometown: Portsmouth, Rhode Island

Relationship Status: Single

Major: History

Clubs or hobbies involved in at UNH: French Club, Intramurals

UNH favorites:

Favorite thing to eat on campus: Pauly’s Pockets, I could live of off falafel.

Favorite UNH sport: Football

Fun facts:

Any fun facts we should know about you? I did not talk until I was four years old. My parents took me to the doctor and his diagnosis was, “he can talk, he just doesn’t want to.” 

Favorite movie: I have a few favorites, but I’d say the top three are Braveheart, Remember the Titans, and the Dark Knight.

Favorite TV show: Seinfeld

Favorite sports team: New England Patriots

Where do you hang out on the weekends? Usually at my friends’ apartments, the bars, and the library.

3 things you can’t live without: Family, friends, and almonds.

If you could hang out with one celebrity who would it be? Bradley Cooper

If you could have one super power what would it be?: See into the future.

Favorite kind of beer?: Stella Artois

Yoga pants or jeans?: God bless the man or woman who created yoga pants.

Love life:

Biggest celebrity crush: Jessica Biel

Blondes, brunettes or red heads?: I don’t really have any preferences, but red heads are rare so they catch my attention.

Ideal date: Doing something outdoors, ideally on the water. 

Best place to meet UNH girls: Probably at the bars.

If you could choose next weeks campus cutie, who would it be and why?: Alec Anderson, because he’s a legend on campus.