Delta Sigma Pi is a co-ed professional business fraternity established in 1907 at New York University by a group of students that wanted a sense of belonging within their university. The professional fraternity was “organized to foster the study of business in universities; to encourage scholarship, social activity and the association of students for their mutual advancement by research and practice.”
Delta Sigma Pi began as a colony at the University of South Florida St. Petersburg and it took over a year for it to become a national recognized chapter; it was the 278th chapter to be installed. The idea to have a business fraternity in USFSP began in September 2011 with David Kopelman, current president of the fraternity, being part of the group of students. The process was definitely not easy as Kopelman stated. There were certain requirements the colony had to meet in order for it to become a chapter. They needed eight professional events, a number of community service events and at least twenty members for pledging. All the hard work and effort finally paid off in December 2012 when the colony became a chapter.
Kopelman stated that being in such a prestigious organization has made his personal and professional life better. Personally it has allowed him to be more responsible and be more involved in school. In the professional aspect he has taken numerous advice and knowledge from professional events that have helped him succeed in his DS Graphic Solutions company. Kyleigh Cobett, vice president of Delta Sigma Pi said, “There are endless networking opportunities to build special relationships in the business sector. Friendships are also strengthened and it allows students to be involved with like-minded peers.” When asked what the cons could be of Delta Sigma Pi Cobett did not hesitate and stated, “No negatives. The only negatives would be towards people who do not want it enough or put the effort towards it.”
So who is suited to become a pledge in Delta Sigma Pi? The requirements are not extraneous but someone with high caliber and high potential is suited for such a prestigious and impactful fraternity. A student has to have the intent, or have declared a business major with at least a 2.5 GPA. An interview will also be conducted to see if the potential recruit fits into the fraternity. But one of the most important characteristics of a potential pledge is the dedication you need to put towards Delta Sigma Pi. As both Kopelman and Cobett stated, students cannot look at Delta Sigma Pi as a simple “thing” to put on a resume. They have to attend professional events, community service events and socials, not as an obligation but rather as opportunities to grow as individuals and professionals.
The executive board and the rest of the members look forward to a great semester filled with various professional events, community service events, socials, programs such as LEAD and personal satisfactions. Students who are interested in pledging can contact Kyleigh Cobett cobettk@mail.usf.edu and David Kopelman dkopelman@mail.usf.edu . The deadline for recruitment is February 10th.
To have more information on Delta Sigma Pi, check out their official website: http://www.dspnet.org/site/index.php and to know more about meeting times and requirements for Delta Sigma Pi in USFSP check out their Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/#!/DSPUSFSP?fref=ts