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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

Break out the bows, sing your heart out, and Throw What You Know, because I’m bringing up the sorority subject.


Basically this is what I’ve gathered about sororities; you either love them or hate them. That’s fine! Everyone is entitled to an opinion; what shocks me the most though, is the reasons for the hate. This article hopefully will open up some eyes to all the great things sororities – especially sororities at The University of Utah – do.

So, like yeah, I’m totes a sorority girl… and d*mn proud to be! I belong to the Utah Alpha Chapter of Pi Beta Phi which is one of six sororities on campus. The rest are: Kappa Kappa Gamma, Chi Omega, Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Phi and Delta Gamma.

The Greek Community at the University of Utah is amazing. They are the most welcoming people coming from all sorts of backgrounds. And I’m not saying that to be cheesy (well maybe a little bit)! I’m a Junior and I just barely joined Pi Phi this fall. I was beyond nervous. It’s honestly way weird to be the oldest in your pledge class…but all the girls in Pi Phi made me feel positive about my decision to join.

Then there are my other friends, parents, and people I don’t even know telling me it was an awful decision. This list is for the pessimists in my life, I love you – but trash Greek life one more time and I’m putting fruit flies in your car…

I’m taking it upon myself to debunk the top 5 myths surrounding sororities!


Who has the energy, let alone the time? People preaching this myth: just stop. “All the time” isn’t even possible. Girls in sororities are not super-human party attendees. They go to school full-time, work, are involved in clubs, keep in touch with their families, and enjoy Netflix and sweat pants. Being the life of the party does not correlate with partying “all the time.”


Shame on the girls sl*t-shaming other girls. We’re on a team here ladies! Let’s look out for one another huh? Sororities at The U, from what I’ve seen, are nothing like the movies. Sorry to disappoint you all, but there are no lingerie pillow fights or countless one night stands. We’re busy planning philanthropy events and crafting things for our big and little sisters!


“Oh I wouldn’t join a sorority, I prefer to make friends without buying them,” really?!  Umm… if you and your friends were cool, you’d also pool all your money together for weekly dinners, events and parties, a kick-ass house, t-shirts, vacations, etc. Yes, we pay dues to our national fraternity but it’s how they keep things running. I’m not buying friends. The girls don’t have to like you because you paid for it. That’s ridiculous. How come no other clubs get this particular criticism?


Sororities are exclusive. Sorry. But then again, not really. It’s a really cool feeling to know that in a sorority you can find tons of like-minded people who truly want to see you succeed. The dual relationship makes the sorority feel extra special. Out of all the girls going through recruitment, your house saw something in you that they wanted in the sorority.  Exclusivity is something people have to deal with all their lives. Not everyone makes the team and you can’t all get the job. So again I ask, why are only sororities criticized for wanting the best?



The University of Utah has a strong no tolerance policy on hazing. End of story. It’s funny to hear all the stories people come up with, but again sorry to disappoint – it’s not true. We treat each other like real sisters. I sure as hell know I would never force my real sister to do something demeaning or illegal. That’s not what sisterhood is about. Hazing is stupid, and we agree.           

If you’re interested in sororities, don’t hold back and just give it a shot! Ignore all the stereotypes and myths and check it out for yourself. Sororities are a great way to get involved on campus, meet new people, network, find leadership positions, and really make college fun. 

English major. Avid Political Intern. Olivia Pope enthusiast. Designated "Mom" of the group. Wannabe yogi. Wine drinker.Living in and thoroughly enjoying Salt Lake City. Writing amusing and sarcastic material for the beautiful undergrads of THE U. (The original one here in Utah. Sorry not Sorry Miami.)
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor