Remember all those clothes we made fun of our parents for having in thier closet because they looked goofy or ugly? Well those clothes are making a comeback, in a more fashionable sense I’d like to think. So it doesn’t matter when, where or how you wear these pieces but they’ve made their way back from our parents closets to ours.
1. Denim- From head to toe, denim is as blue as ever!
2. Flannels- A quick piece to throw on that works everyday!
3.Stripes- There work anyhwere from dressing casual to classy.
4. Cluddered Wrists- The more the merrier
5. Floral – Who knew your grandma’s old table clothes would be ever be this cute again?
Personally, I think that it’s time we all go home and apologize to our parents. Maybe they really do know best!