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11 Ways Goody Two-Shoes Rebel

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

Goody two shoes are the girls who never did anything wrong. We never got in trouble and if we did then more tears would be shed than there were when the Gilmore Girls revival was announced. We were the girls who never even thought about cheating on a test, the girls who followed the rules because how on Earth could you just not follow the rules? For us, there isn’t really a choice. But everybody has to rebel somehow, it’s human nature, it’s just that our ways of rebelling aren’t quite as extreme as experimenting with drugs, although we did experiment with make up! What can I say, even us goody goodies like a good rush!

1.     The use of tame curse words.

We didn’t say our first cuss word until about halfway through high school, but that only makes saying them that much more fun. It took us a while to get them out without lowering our voices or stuttering a bit and every now and then we’ll still use “you know” as a stand in, but when we really let it out, nothing feels quite as thrilling as saying the s word instead of shoot.

2.     Listening to music our parents hate.

Rebellion is all about going against who raised you, so when you have your headphones in and you’re cranking Justin Bieber so loud that your ear drums might explode, you can’t help but feel a little pleased with your bad self. After all if your parents were there and could hear your music through the headphones, they’d probably ask that you turn it down.

3.     Watching shows our parents hate.

The only thing that’s better than listening to music your parents hate is watching shows your parents hate. For instance, nothing annoys your mother more than SpongeBob’s high pitch completely obnoxious laugh, so when no one’s home and you turn on the TV and his trademark cackle fills the room you turn it up. After all, it’s not every day you get to watch such trash.

4.     Eating ice cream for dinner.

Back home, this would be unheard of. In college, it’s extremely usual, but just because it’s customary here doesn’t mean that you should do it. You try to avoid it, knowing how mad your parents would be. But some nights you just need that rebellion, and to make it even more enjoyable, you eat it straight out of the carton.

5.     Reading in class.

Some students text, other students play games, not you though. No you choose to finish reading that book that you haven’t been able to put down. You sneakily hold it between the desk and your thighs and try especially hard not to make noise as you turn the page. It’s extremely freeing.

6.     J-Walking.

The law says you have to cross the street where there’s a crosswalk, but everyone j-walks. This isn’t exactly an electrifying experience for most, but even though the law is more of a guideline, you can’t help but embrace the tingly feeling of breaking the law.

7.     Speeding.

This is pretty much the same as j-walking, everyone does it, you just feel like you need to be wearing a leather jacket and cranking “Bad to the Bone” when you notice your speedometer reads 60mph in a 50mph zone.

8.     Staying up past 11 p.m.

Flashbacks of you pretending to be asleep when your parents go to check on you just popped into your head, right? Even now, you get a bit of a twinkle in your eye as you glance at the clock to see it’s already midnight.

9.     Skipping an 8 a.m. college lecture course.

Probably you stayed up past your curfew the night before. But most college students wouldn’t even blink an eye at this concept, but to you it’s an internal struggle, but once you make that decision, you have to humble brag to your friends.

10. Using SparkNotes.

Is this cheating? Not really, I don’t know, maybe a little, it’s just lessening the work load. Either way you still feel a little guilty but also strangely proud when you choose to forsake your reading and go straight to SparkNotes.

11. Watching Netflix instead of doing homework.

Should you play that next episode? No. But who’s gonna stop you?


Rebel fearless angels! No matter how guilty you feel afterwards, nothing quite beats how good you feel in the process.

Jessica is a Senior who majors in English and Philosophy with a concentration in Law at Virginia Commonwealth University. She is also involved heavily in her sorority, Alpha Omicron Pi, RamTHON, the English Honor Society, and she's a Rowdy Ram. When she's not staying up until 3 am pounding Diet Cokes and writing essays last minute or stressing about "life after college", she can be found quoting FRIENDS and Shakespeare and laughing at her own jokes. If you're feeling super curious about her personality, just look at her Gemini horoscope or her Myers Briggs results (E/INFP btw). 
Keziah is a writer for Her Campus. She is majoring in Fashion Design with a minor in Fashion Merchandising. HCXO!