Everyone knows the old college cliché of signing empty wine bottles and displaying them along the counter or windowsill for everyone to see. Cool, we get it—you drank allllll that. And while it can look very impressive, it can also look a little tacky.
So instead of just displaying your alcoholic grape juice conquests, here are seven creative (and easy) ways to turn those wine bottles into cute decor!
1. Place candle sticks in them! When burned, the candle wax will start to drip down the bottle-it can get messy, but it sure looks pretty. Use colorful candles for even prettier wax drips!
2. Fill them with lights for charming decor! It takes a little bit of effort to squish all those lights in there, but it’s worth it!
3. Coat them with chalkboard paint and leave silly notes for your roommates!
4. Use them as bookends! (If you’re using empty bottles, you’ll probably need to put sand or gravel in them to add enough weight so your books won’t tip them over!)
5. Turn a bottle into a fish tank! (But please make sure your little buddy is okay with small space, and be extra sure you’ve rinsed the bottle super well).
6. Keep your boots shapely! We’ve all heard of rolling magazines to put in our boots, but wine bottles won’t bend, and they look so much classier.
7. Make yourself a flower vase! Peel the label off the bottle, decorate it with Washi tape or paint, and pick your favorite flowers to display!
With these easy ideas, your wine bottle decor will make a statement that still says, “we drank all that” without being so #college!