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Marcus Vytataus Trotter ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

Marcus Trotter (right), twin brother Michael Trotter (left) 

Name: Marcus Vytataus Trotter
Year: Freshman
Major: Undecided
Hometown: Racine, WI
Relationship status: I am single
Favorite memory this year: Mopeding with all my friends at midnight to see the first showing of Paranormal Activity 2
One person to be on a stranded island with: Some really hot eastern European girl with a crazy accent!
Nickname: Mema!!!
Interesting fact: I cannot dance if it was to save my life!
Celebrity crush: Jessica Alba!!!
Campus activities: Play football for the Badgers, love to go out with my friends on the weekends but I am very busy with homework and football on the weekdays
Most precious article of clothing: My Northfaces baby! Northface all day!
Where you can be found on a Friday night: During spring ball and the regular season, I stay in because I have practice or a game the next day. During the off-season or summer I am out having the best time I can!
Dream job: Doctor/ski instructor in Colorado
Favorite quality in a girl: Girls have to look good, but I love their personality. A girl needs to make me laugh and smile, it shouldn’t matter what you are doing, you should always have a good time with a girl.
Favorite thing about Wisconsin ladies: They know how to cook!