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Wellness > Sex + Relationships

Hot take: long distance is not as hard as everyone else makes it out to be.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

Over the summer, I nervously plotted how my boyfriend of three months and I would cope with the distance of about a 9 and a half hour drive between us. After spending almost everyday together, we decided that we would only text or call each other for about maximum ten minutes a day. This was the plan in order to avoid spending the short amount of time we have in college, missing each other constantly, which was my biggest fear going into this.

That plan did not last long at all. As it turns out, the two of us have been texting pretty much all day and calling / face-timing each other whenever possible. Despite what I thought would happen, I do not feel as though I am ruining the college experience for myself. We miss each other very much, but I enjoy hearing about his day and can hear about it while also enjoying my own time at Holy Cross. Overall, doing long distance will just make the small amounts of time we do have together over the next four years better! Let’s see what the said-boyfriend’s opinions are on how we’re doing:

Interview with the boyfriend:

Question: Are you happy we decided to do long distance?

Response: “I would have preferred short distance, but overall yes.”

Question: Would you advise others who are leaving for different colleges / other reasons to stay together and do long distance?

Response: “It depends on the strength of their relationship and their potential. If they don’t plan on being together after college, there’s no reason for them to be together during college.”

Question: Do you have any advice to people debating if they should take a shot at long distance?

Response: “I encourage everyone to try it, but if things aren’t going well, end it before things get bad and make sure you end on good terms. That way you can get together over breaks and possibly after college and preserve that great bond that you already had together.”

If you’re worried about making the decision of whether to stay together or not, I’d advise you to give it a chance. If things are not working you can always break up, and this way at least you know you tried. In the end, if it’s meant to be, it will be.

Bridget O'Toole

Holy Cross '26

Hi! I am a sophomore at Holy Cross and am majoring in English and minoring in Architectural Studies. I'm from Long Island, New York, and my favorite things include skiing, reading, yoga, and the beach!