School has been in session for five weeks. While that might not seem like a long time, it has already brought me a semester’s worth of stress. I know plenty of you can relate to that statement. Sometimes that stress is brought on by classes, extracurriculars, jobs, or even home circumstances, and it can make life feel like (pardon my language) hell.
Personally, I like to ruminate in my stress, like a warm cozy blanket. It is a weird statement, but it is true. Once I am stressed, I sit in it. I think about it all the time, and I will not allow any happiness to come to me until it is eliminated. That behavior makes for a miserable life, so I have decided to combat it. Whenever I feel like my whole life is drowning in a bathtub of stress, I name five things that bring me joy.
1. My bedroom
My bedroom is my happy place. For the last two years, I lived in a small dorm and couldn’t make it my own. Now I live off campus and have a bedroom all to myself, and I am taking full advantage of it. My favorite items are my 100% white cotton comforter and my Frank Ocean Channel Orange poster.
2. Yoga
I am not athletic. I never did sports in my youth, unless you count the two years in middle school where I “played” softball. Played is in quotations because I sat on the bench most of the time. Because of that, I have extreme anxiety when working out in public. This semester I worked up the courage to take a yoga class. Honestly, it has done wonders for my self-esteem. Not only am I getting good endorphins from working out, but I can see myself becoming stronger. That brings me joy.
3. Overalls
If you have not put on a pair of overalls in the last ten years, do so immediately. This summer, I lived in overalls and it was amazing. Anytime I felt too lazy to put together an outfit, I threw on a pair of overalls. Recently, I’ve been exploring a world outside of just denim overalls. If you are interested in a good pair of overalls, check your local Goodwill.
4. Dr. Pepper
I used to despise the fact that I liked pop. I felt like anytime I brought out the sweet fuzzy substance, I would get dirty looks from everyone around me. Sometimes I would be so embarrassed, I would purposefully get water with my friends who I knew did not drink soda just so I wouldn’t feel weird. Now once a day, I crack open a can of ice-cold Dr. Pepper and enjoy every sip.
5. Making friends with people in my classes
I have always been the type of college student where I go to class, sit silently, and leave the first chance I get. In and out, and never saying more than I have to. This year I decided to take a different approach and talk to people in my classes. I wouldn’t say I am friends with them, but having people to chat with makes my day better.
I know this was not very interesting to read, but I think I wrote it for myself. Doing an exercise like this is good for the mind and soul. It reminds me that life is not so bad and no matter what I believe, there is always a positive somewhere.