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Kristen Bryant-Girl Lounging Relax Logo 2
Kristen Bryant-Girl Lounging Relax Logo 2
Kristen Bryant / Her Campus
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

It’s that time of the semester where those first exams are coming in and most of your time is focused on studying. There’s so many things consuming your time that you leave none for yourself. Whether that be with your classes, your orgs, your family, your significant others. Don’t be afraid to put everything on pause. Make time for yourself, to do things you want to do. Take care of your needs, and put yourself first. It’s okay to give yourself alone time.

Here are some ways to give yourself the attention you deserve!

  1. Do your skin care routine – Giving your face the attention and care it deserves!
  2. Watch your favorite comfort movie – Grab your favorite snack and blanket and enjoy!
  3. Go Shopping! – Target runs are always the most therapeutic!
  4. Journal – Writing down your feelings, allows you to be aware of them!
  5. Take a NAP! – nothing regenerates me like a power nap!

Step away from your responsibilities and allow your mind and body to relax!

I'm Chantal, a first-Generation college student at The University of Texas at Austin. I come from a Mexican household, and I'm proud of my culture. I'm a daughter of immigrants, navigating this new college world on my own. I hope to encourage other girls to push forward, despite the obstacles.