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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVM chapter.

By: Isabella Persky

Be sure to read this article along with this link! This document contains photos that are relevant to Lizzie McGuire! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1N87A1vaqEQ0EP2N_STovyUBzgkp_rLYuX-H1P37R3TY/edit?usp=sharing


College is certainly full of tricks, treats, and ambulances on campus (like 24/7), but is that not what makes it so fun? In light of the upcoming holiday, I have listed what I believe to be the ~spookiest~ parts of college:

The Dining Halls:

It should come as little surprise that the questionable dining hall ‘eggs’ raise concern. However, the sketchy Sodexo meals are, admittedly, not even the scariest aspect of the dining halls. Rather the fright I am referring to walks on two legs (usually), wears a backward facing Red Sox baseball cap (75% of the time), and goes by the name of Chad (or Brad). Yes, I am talking about the guy you hooked up with at the bar or that party the weekend prior, standing behind you in line waiting for a chicken sandwich. Somehow, the stars align to make your dining hall experience about 10x scarier—well, more so awkward.

Figuring Out Sh*t on Your Own:

Naturally, living away from home during your college years means more autonomy, which also means greater responsibility. Last month, still early into my sophomore year, I signed a lease for an apartment—adulting level one. Furthermore, I carry around an insurance card in my wallet—who even came up with that scam?

The Sunday Scaries:

After a three (or four, or five)-day bender, your worst fear deviously creeps up on you
 BOO, it’s Sunday. Needless to say, Sundays are straight up scary, as you have the whole week ahead of you to stress about. Surely, Sundays are difficult days to be productive. Most Sundays I remain bed-ridden and in a state of recovery, if you know what I mean. The ‘Sunday Scaries’ never fail to spook.

Late Night Ubers:

As a car-less college student, I heavily rely on Uber. While I normally don’t go out alone, sometimes there are circumstances when my friends and I need to separate; those nights you would rather eat a slice of veggie pizza doused with crushed red chili flakes at Pieasanos instead of dealing with sweaty men at the bar (am I right or am I right?). Regardless, the point I am getting at: what possibly could go wrong when Ubering alone at one a.m. on a Saturday night? Perhaps I am paranoid, but I always remain alert!

Communal Bathrooms:

This one speaks for itself
 Why are there gnats in the showers?

Going to the Gym:

Even when you don’t run into Chad or Brad, college gyms can be intimidating and scary. Everyone seems to know exactly what they are doing, and how to use the equipment and machines without hesitation. I confess; I always look at the little models pictured on the machines exemplifying proper use. Rest assured; it takes time to feel comfortable at the university’s gym. The fear is all in your head, there is nothing tangible to be afraid of
 except for Stairmaster. 

Halloween may come and go, but these spooks are here to stay. 

Have a happy Halloween! 


*Edited by Lili M

Hello! My name is Isabella and I am a sophomore at the University of Vermont. I enjoy eating sushi, attending cycling classes, and doing crossword puzzles!