Adult adjustment disorder is on the rise in America. According to the Mayo Clinic, “Most of the time, people adjust to such changes within a few months. But if you have an adjustment disorder, you continue to have emotional or behavioral reactions that can contribute to feeling anxious or depressed.” I feel like I am already experiencing these symptoms, but I haven’t even graduated yet.
This year is my senior year at Penn State. I am incredibly nervous to graduate and enter the real world. Whether it be the job search, having to say goodbye to friends or financially preparing for the rest of my life, I am just not ready for it. Here is how I am trying to cherish the good and better prepare myself for a healthy adjustment.
Fully Understand My Career Options
Finding a full-time job is incredibly stressful. There are a lot of unknowns, and I still don’t know where I want to live after school. However, I am trying to take a deep breath by reviewing my major’s pros and cons. I am a Health Policy and Administration student, so I do have an advantage knowing there is always a need for workers in healthcare following the pandemic. With this, I have a little piece of mind knowing that there is a job for me somewhere.
Additionally, a good tip is that you may not love your first job. I’ve been trying to keep in mind that my career has to grow in order for me to love every aspect of a job, so try to keep your standards lower.
Spend as Much Time with my Friends as Possible
I think all of my friends are going to go their separate ways once our time in State College is over. With this, I am trying to take every opportunity to hang out with them. Usually, I don’t feel the need to go to bars or be extremely social, but now more than ever I feel the need to go out and live my life to the fullest with them.
I love all my friends at school and I am so sad that one day I won’t be able to see them every day. But I am looking forward to seeing all their successes and keeping in contract through the phone more often.
Share my Feelings with Others
I am trying to be better at talking about my feelings. I feel like I am alone in what I am thinking, but I know I am not. Talking about my worries helps me hear other people’s experiences, which alleviates my anxiety.
Embrace being Single
I always thought I would find my significant other during college. However, it looks like I was drastically wrong. I often feel like I am going into the future extremely lonely. I am trying to embrace being single because you never know where you are going to find love. I am trying to have it come naturally, rather than forcing it.
Make a Two- Year Outline
Career-wise, I have started to plan my next two years out. With this, I know I want to work and then pursue my Master’s degree. I am not sure what concentration, but that’s okay. As long as you have an outline of a plan, you will be okay.
Hopefully, this helps calm some anxiety. If you are graduating, enjoy the rest of your senior year. Cherish every moment at Penn State.