By, Casey Schellberg
It’s ⚠️Time to BeReal⚠️ about BeReal. The new social media app took off over the summer after being launched for 2 years. Everyday, at a different time, everyone with the app receives a notification to capture and share a photo within 2 minutes. The unique part about it: it takes a photo from both the front and back camera. While it may seem like just another app to someone on the outside, I’ve become obsessed with it and I’m here to tell you why.Â
One reason I’ve come to love BeReal are the friend reactions, or RealMojis as they call them. RealMojis take the “liking” of a post to a new level by allowing friends to snap a picture of them reacting to the post. You can set certain photos to different emojis to use all the time, or take one in the moment. The in the moment ones will have a lightning strike emoji next to them, whereas the set ones you can take to match the emoji; they use the heart eyes, laughing face, shocked face, smiley face and thumbs up. You get notified every time someone reacts to your BeReal and they are honestly so fun to look at!
Another reason I am obsessed with BeReal is being able to see what all my friends are doing at different times each day. It’s like getting an inside scoop on their life without bothering them. I’ve seen BeReals of my friends at parties, snuggled up with their pets, at work, showing off a shocking new haircut and so much more. It’s cool to not only see the posts, but also knowing that they are way different than a post I’d see on Instagram. I get excited when I see the notification that one of my friends posted late because I get to see what they are up to in their truest form, without the filters and nice outfits.
Lastly, I love BeReal for the mystery and anticipation of when the notification is going to go off. While it can be annoying to receive the notification to BeReal after you just came back from something you’d want to show off, like a day in the city, night at a friends house or dinner with the family, it’s cool to see the now in everyone’s different POV. One of my favorite things is when it goes off during the day and you can see everyone around campus taking their BeReals with friends. Or, when you’re hanging out and everyone goes “IT’S TIME TO BE REAL!” People are hooked on the app, and it’s known when the notification doesn’t go off during the 24 hour period.Â
If you haven’t downloaded BeReal yet, I hope this article convinces you to. It’s fun, interactive and a great way to capture memories. I forgot to mention, the app saves all your BeReals to scroll back to! Another reason to pick up your phone and get ready to BeReal with your friends. Soon enough, you’ll be just as obsessed as me!