Kate Rose published You Only Fall in Love Three Times, giving readers some depth into an interesting topic: “the secret search for our twin flame”. Just reading the book title alone was intriguing enough for me to buy it and while I don’t agree with the title completely, there’s some information in this book I couldn’t overlook. The “three types” of love make a lot of sense, here’s my take on what Kate had to say.
3 types of love
- The “Soul Mate”
This is the type of love that seems like it will last forever; it’s seems perfect. For almost everyone, this is our first love that comes into our lives when we’re pretty young. You may have even planned a future with this person despite how young you were. For others, this person could have come into your life later on. This love is so strong it seems like you’ve found your “forever person”, and for some people, it really is. However, more than often, this love is all wrong for you.
2. The Karmic Love
We try so hard to make this type of love work without even realizing how bad this person is for us. The karmic love was perfect … as the version you created in your head. This love is difficult, it can be painful and manipulating. From this, we learn more about ourselves and the way we want to be loved.
3. The Twin Flame
This is the unexpected type of love that comes into your life when you aren’t looking. Not everyone is able to find this person and turn it into a relationship. A lot of the time, your twin flame is actually your best friend and you may not even notice it. Kate explains that this love is “too easy”, nothing feels forced or complicated when this person comes into your life.
so you only love 3 people?
No. There’s not a limit on how many different types of people you love and this is where I had a hard time with the book. If we were only capable of falling in love 3 times, we wouldn’t learn anything about ourselves. Every person in your life teaches you a different lesson and this is a fundamental part of finding yourself. With that being said, I do agree with Kate in that that those “three types of love” are accurate, I just believe that multiple people can fit into each category. You can’t control who you may fall in love with. What you can control are your standards, recognize who and what you deserve.
Kate Rose’s book You Only Fall in Love Three Times was definitely intriguing. I think anyone interested in the subject of finding themselves AND love should read further into this and take a look at what Kate has to say in her book.