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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

Before I started university, I heard many tips on things I should and shouldn’t do. Now that I’ve started my first year, I’ve formed some perspective on the advice that was given.

Tip #1: find your classes before the first day

I strongly recommend following this tip so you know where you need to go. Before school started, I briefly visited campus with a few friends but didn’t bother looking for my class locations. I ended up being late for both classes I had on my first day. Don’t make the same mistake I did and make sure to check out your classes beforehand. While you do this, you can also find potential study spots for when you do work on campus.

Tip #2: Don’t skip class

I fully agree with this tip! Once you miss a class, it becomes increasingly difficult to go back. Definitely don’t miss a lecture to be unproductive because you’ll have to schedule the lessons you missed on your own time. You’ll 100% retain more information from a class you attend than a class you don’t attend at all, even if you don’t pay attention the entire time. Just remember: open-book exams don’t mean the class will be easier.

Tip #3: Make a schedule

Making a schedule is super important. In university, self-discipline is necessary. Professors aren’t going to remind you of your upcoming exams or midterms, so you want to make sure to have it written down somewhere. You should also make sure to note the readings because they’ll only be briefly mentioned if even mentioned at all. Putting the readings in your schedule will help you plan ahead.

tip #4: Make Friends

Making friends isn’t strictly necessary, but friends will make your uni experience infinitely more enjoyable. Friends are helpful because if you miss any of your lectures, you can ask them to share their notes with you. You can also study together! Overall, it’s nice to have a circle of people going through the same things as you.

tip #5: Don’t take 8 a.m. classes 

I’ve heard this tip multiple times and I’m sure you have as well. Initially, I tried to avoid taking 8:30 a.m. classes but unfortunately, I ended up with a few in my schedule. Would I advise you not to do the same? Yes, if you’re not a morning person, but as someone who regularly goes to bed late, I’m here to let you know you’ll be fine. I would instead suggest avoiding three-hour lectures because you’re not going to pay attention the whole time. Also, if taking an 8 a.m. class means you won’t have to go to school five days a week, that’s a win for sure.

Throughout university, you’ll hear plenty of advice. Some of it will be good, and some won’t. But at the end of the day, you need to do what works best for you. This article is based on my personal experience and may not work for you, but I have full confidence that you’ll find your own academic strategies.

I like watching movies with friends, music and who would’ve guessed i enjoy writing as well!