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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Finals season is coming up and talking from experience, it is not a good idea to cram your studies for the night before the exam. While some people enjoy sitting down for hours to study uninterruptedly, others (like me) may have a harder time paying attention, and need a little bit more help when studying 5 different courses at a time. As a junior in college, I have gathered my four horsemen to conquer this apocalyptic exam season, and here are my best study tips to help you make the most out of your final exams:

  1. Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is a great, effortless way to improve your memory, focus, and performance during study time. I recommend buying an oil diffuser on Amazon, which usually comes with a set of essential oils, and creating your own mixes to help you relax and concentrate to make studying a more enjoyable experience. My personal favorites include rosemary, peppermint, sage, eucalyptus, and lavender. They are all great choices to improve concentration since they are all high in a compound called “eucalyptol” which has been demonstrated to improve performance and memory on cognitive tasks.

2. Light and temperature

As irrelevant as it may seem, the atmosphere and setting you study in will heavily affect your performance. It is recommended to study in a room with a lower-than-average temperature, because cooling your body down when it is hot uses more energy (glucose) than warming your body up when it is cold. Studying in a cooler room leaves more energy to your brain for information retention. As of the lighting, it is better to use white light, since yellow light is softer to the eyes and induces relaxation to the point where you may become sleepy.

3. Physical space

It is also important to take care of your physical space when studying. Avoid studying in places where you eat or sleep, and try to designate a study-space-only to condition your brain to concentration when you place yourself in that spot. Studying on the bed or dining table may lead to sleeping and eating problems or lack of concentration due to your brain thinking that you are going to sleep or eat instead of study. This can hinder your brain’s maximum potential. Avoid studying laying down or using flat chairs with no back or arm rests, since it may hurt your back in the long run. An appropriate desk and chair should ensure physical commodity for your brain to be able to focus on what is actually important instead of readjusting.

4. No distractions

I believe this is the most important aspect of studying. While a lot of people like to keep their phone close at all times, I would recommend putting it on “do not disturb”, or even in a different room. If you are the type of person to study with music, I would recommend to not listen to music that has lyrics, since, as minor as it may seem, it could turn into a distraction without you even noticing.

Everyone has a different way to do things, and it is good to find your own mix of tricks and tips that create the perfect studying experience. Good luck!

MSc student at Florida International University