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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at West Chester chapter.

Before yesterday, I intended to write about the importance of self care during winter break. However, that is no longer the case because your girl spontaneously shot her shot (and now I am here to tell you to do the same). 

Let’s debrief the situation: I was at Starbucks, romanticizing my life as I studied and listened to my “pretty french songs” playlist. Starbucks is also a perfect environment for people watching, especially at 2:00 pm. The floodgates open and a variety of students (from calculus to exercise science to gym rats) rush in to get a hot cup of peppermint mocha coffee. One of the many people in line caught my eyes as he wore a brown-coordinated outfit (I am a sucker for good style). I’m not an astrology buff, but I guess my sun or moon was rising because I was filled with an unfamiliar sense of confidence. I told my friends that I want to write him a note, and “shoot my shot”. Like any friend, they excitedly supported the decision. I immediately opened TikTok for inspiration where girls give guys notes about their interest in them. After I wrote my short, awkward but sweet note, the hard part came: building up the courage to give it to him. The plan was to walk up to him, but instead, I walked right past him (you can laugh). This resulted in a lecture from my friends about how I either had to talk to him or leave because I cannot stand 10 feet away while talking about him. I turned around and walked up to him with millions of thoughts running through my head– “how do I smile ‘cute’? What should I say? Do I say hello, hey or hi? How do I give him the note? How do I walk away quick enough, but doing a hot girl strut?” It felt like a blur, but I think I said “hi, this is for you!” and handed him the note. THEN, instead of simply walking away, I WAVED IN HIS FACE and walked away. If you are laughing, please do, because I am smiling as I write this. I don’t know why I WAVED, instead of saying goodbye, but I do know that it was not a hot girl move. 

If you are invested in the story and would like an update: I have not heard from him (LOL), BUT that’s okay. Although it was not a successful or ideal situation, I am proud of myself! Even if it wasn’t the most #hotgirl scenario, my confidence was sexy. Maybe it was my wave inches from his face or he was in a relationship, but I still put myself out there. I followed my heart, enjoyed everything life offered, and ran with it. Maybe that’s as simple as it has to be? 

According to Urban Dictionary, the definition of “shoot your shot” is: to let go of your pride and pursue someone you are interested in. Like many people, I used to believe that the statement sounds simpler than the action itself. However, after actually doing it, it’s truly not that bad. Here are some helpful tips: 

  • If you are nervous about the outcome, understand that their response or reaction does not define you as a person and has nothing to do with your value.  
  • You are simply stating a fact: you find someone attractive and want to tell them that. 
  • After experiencing the outcome of the situation, you now know the answer. You won’t have to live your life wondering “what if?” We owe it to ourselves to put ourselves out there and experience life.
  • Life never slows down, so run with it! Embrace feelings and intimacy because one day you may not be able to. 
  • What is meant for you is either already yours or it is on its way. 
  • Not everything is going to work out the way we want it to, but that’s life. However, we won’t know until we try! Rejection is better than regret. 

So, use these tips, learn from my experience, AND SHOOT YOUR SHOT! You are HOT and deserve to live your life. Don’t think, just go for it. Oh, and do not wave 2 inches from their face and proceed to walk away without saying a word.

Rachel Jason

West Chester '26

Rachel Jason is an Elementary Education major with a minor in Journalism at West Chester University. Rachel's love for writing began in her pink diary and watching reruns of Rory Gilmore becoming the next Christiane Amanpour. She is ready to spark conversations on white privilege, self-love, and her favorite foods! With her beautiful readers, Rachel is ecstatic to explore the world and all it has to offer.