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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

As someone whose graduation is fast approaching and who is worrying about their future career ambitions, I figured I can’t be the only one in this boat! Let’s talk about a few popular and plausible careers within your field of study.

Faculty of Arts

The Faculty of Arts has a vast variety of programs including interdisciplinary studies, humanities, language, literature, and fine/performing arts. Thus, there’s a wide variety of jobs for students graduating from this field including fashion design, graphic design, photography, film, music, animation, and media and journalism.

Faculty of Education

If you’re already in the Faculty of Education, chances are you want to become a teacher. There aren’t many additional career options within the field of education, but you could also choose to become an expert in the field and continue with research. Additionally, expanding your field through a graduate diploma (like an M.A., M.D., or Ph.D.) while receiving your education degree can make the career options endless.

Faculty of Engineering

Once again, if you’re in this faculty, chances are that you’re becoming an engineer! But there are still other plausible options like becoming a researcher. The good news is that there are so many fields of engineering, so your job options aren’t limited and can be expanded based on your study of engineering.

Faculty of Health sciences

There are multiple jobs in health sciences depending on your choice of classes within the faculty. With further education, you could become a nurse, nutritionist, or personal support worker. You could also choose to continue into medical school to become a physician.

Faculty of Common and Civil Law

If you’re in the Faculty of Law, chances are you’re going to become a lawyer and maybe a judge in the future, but if this is not the career you hoped for, you might just be wasting a lot of money and time.

Faculty of Medicine

Well, if you’re in the Faculty of Medicine, I hope you’re trying to become a doctor! If not, you’re wasting a ton of your time and effort!

Faculty of Science

The Faculty of Science can offer a variety of career options including becoming a scientist/researcher and working within a science firm i.e. nuclear reactor operator. Or, you can choose to pursue a professional degree such as medical school to become a physician.

Faculty of Social Science

Social sciences offer a wide variety of programs and, thus, a wide range of career options with some common ones being politicians, government workers, researchers, statisticians, or continuing education to pursue law school.

Telfer School of Management

Any business school has a vast pool of careers to choose from. These include jobs in administration, entrepreneurship, freelancing, accounting, finance, and marketing.

It should be noted that there are various career options in all these fields and only a few of those are listed here. In every field, there is always the chance to further your education by pursuing graduate school, becoming an expert in your field, oor teaching within it. These suggestions are all based on my opinion and basic research.

Mina Sehri

U Ottawa '23

Mina is in her fourth year of Joint Honours in Political Science and History with Co-op. She hopes to pursue a career in law! She is a huge raptors fan and loves going for car rides or reading to unwind. She loves to travel and hopes to see the world one day.