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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lynn chapter.

There are some people in your life that you will connect with on a level that seems unimaginable. It is like an invisible tie that brings two people together with commonality. A force that draws a source of attraction and you seem like the most special person to exist. You see this beautiful image of the person you met, and then with time the fun house mirror effect kicks in.

The challenge is forgetting the person you met and recognizing the person in front of you. When we ignorantly neglect the reality that is staring us in the face, you set yourself up for heartbreak.

It is difficult to decipher what is a healthy relationship. When does it become toxic and how do you know that it is time to throw in the towel? Relationships are supposed to make you feel loved and supported, but so often society does it all wrong. Both parties involved want to be desired (albeit differently) they grow dependent on each other sacrificing their own identities. What a rookie mistake; well, maybe not.

Codependency is nice when it is done in a balanced manner; however, some couples spend all their time together reaching the opposite extreme. It is important to take sometime to yourself to recharge your social battery. Boundaries are necessary so as not to step on anyones toes and understand how much of each other both parties can tolerate.

It is common to sacrifice our own wellbeing for people we think have our best interest at heart. Sometimes it is necessary to shed those people the same way snakes do. We all want that perfect someone, but it should not be at the expense of your own self-love. No matter how well you vibe with someone, if it is harmful to you then maybe losing that person isn’t as rough as it seems when the results make you that much stronger.

Andrea Sofia Berman is a creative writer and Education major. She is passionate about children and helping people. She loves to use creativity to express herself, and hopes to spread positivity through writing.