The start of the spring semester can be confusing and disorienting. Coming back to school from being at home for over a month can create stress; you may be starting to get overwhelmed by the new workload and classes this semester. This is normal and getting back on track is difficult, but here are some small, easy steps to start your semester off strong:
Step One: Setting A New Routine
You probably had a set and comfortable routine for your fall semester. With a new set of classes and a new sense of how your work load will be for the next few months, reassessing your work load for the spring is important. Pick up some new hobbies like going to the gym or joining a club. Get your sleep schedule back on track. Wake up at the same time everyday. Set a time to get breakfast, lunch and dinner. Put aside a few hours to spend doing homework, and mix up where you do your homework. Try a new place to eat rather than the dining hall at least once a week. Setting a new routine does not have to be stressful and allow yourself room for spontaneous plans.
Step Two: Track Your Assignments
The one thing that really saves me every semester is tracking my assignments and knowing exactly how to plan my time. You can approach this a few different ways but my personal favorite is making an Excel spreadsheet that allows me to enter all my assignments from every class, including important dates like midterms and final exams, and then easily sorting them by due date, allowing me to reference this all semester long. As you receive all the syllabuses, read them through for all your due dates and note them all. Whether you are creating a spreadsheet or writing them in your calendar, having this list of all your assignments in one place is super helpful as a checklist and eases the mind of the future.
Step Three: Get Ahead While You Can
The new semester is a perfect chance to get ahead of your work. The last thing you want to do is get behind and stop understanding the content. Use the time at the beginning of the semester to actually read the readings (not the spark notes) and take good notes that you can resort to later in the semester. However many hours you planned to set aside for homework everyday, use these to study and get yourself organized, even if you don’t have homework, dedicate this time to schoolwork even if its due in a month. With this being said, the beginning of the semester is full of random plans to connect back with your friends after the break, so when getting ahead, also allow yourself time to go out to eat or make plans with your friends.