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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Berkeley chapter.

As a student, the new year has never held any significance to me. Nothing changes on Jan. 1 and I have zero incentive to embark on a new beginning.

However, the beginning of a new school year or a new semester has felt like a fresh start and an opportunity for growth. I still think the idea of needing some timeline to suddenly make a change is counterintuitive, but setting goals at any moment in time has productive potential. Setting goals can be a good opportunity to reflect on where I currently am and where I want to be. So as the spring semester approaches, I’m setting new goals for myself.

1. be true to who I am

Understanding who I am and what I want has always been a challenge for me. I think that having this goal as a mental reminder to try and put my genuine desires at the forefront of my thoughts is imperative for my own authenticity. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in what I feel like I should want for myself and the expectations of others that it can be hard to remember what I genuinely wanted to begin with. This goal is about trusting my intuition and having faith that things will work out in a manner consistent with who I am and my values. Even if things aren’t perfect, if I know I’ve been true to myself, I can live with some imperfections.


Every moment I spend being “unproductive” is a moment where I’m beating myself up. This semester, I want to focus on having some patience with myself and acknowledge that productivity is broader than just academic work. Doing things for myself that help me focus and frame a healthier state of mind can also be productive. If I’m constantly focused on being productive, I’m at a place where I’m so distracted that my productivity is actually limited. This semester will be one of patience and open-mindedness.


As a now second-semester freshman, I’ve found myself stuck between actually enjoying things and feeling pressured to do so. Sometimes I’m so obsessed with the idea of having a quintessential college experience and fulfilling my high school self’s romanticized depiction of college, that I can’t just exist and live. There are so many things I love about the little moments, and I want to try and appreciate those moments more, loving my experience for what it is rather than its proximity to what I thought it would be.

Profile Of Girl At The Beach In Sunglasses
Anna Thetard / Her Campus
Devyn Healy

UC Berkeley '26

Devyn is a first year at UC Berekely majoring in Society & Environment and Legal Studies She is from Los Angeles, California and loves enjoying nature and finding new places to eat!