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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

Here are some things you need to know before adopting a rabbit. 


Owning a pet rabbit comes with added financial responsibility. Be prepared to spend money upfront on the adoption fee, as well as housing/food/bunny proofing supplies. In addition, be sure you’ll be able to afford ongoing costs for a bunny on food, litter, and vet bills. 

Litter Box Training

Rabbits can be litter box trained just like cats, Litter training can be frustrating at times, but the key is persistence and consistent reinforcement of good habits.


Rabbits must have access to unlimited grass hays at all times. They also need to be fed 1 to 2 cups of leafy greens per day, along with about ¼ cup of rabbit food pellets. And of course treats too! 

Bonding with your Bunny

Rabbits can be quite affectionate animals, but personalities definitely vary from individual to individual. Most rabbits don’t particularly like being held/picked up, and some bunnies are more willing than others. 


Rabbits will get into trouble if they’re bored. They’ll make their own fun chewing your possessions if you don’t provide alternate forms of entertainment. A great alternative is cardboard, whether it’s a box or an empty toilet paper roll. Rabbits also love to chew on wooden blocks, which also helps their tooth health!

Abby is a VP Editor in Chief at HC@ SAU. She overseas the editors and editing articles. Beyond HC, Abby is involved in STEP. Abby is majoring in Human Performance and Fitness, Pre-Occupational Therapy. In her free time, Abby enjoys playing with her bunny, Lulu and going out with friends to get coffee. Fun fact: Lulu is our club mascot!