Valentine’s Day is a holiday where we celebrate all things love. Many couples use this opportunity to go to a fancy dinner, give each other cute gifts, or just spend time together to show their love for one another. Couples love it. Single people may have a very different opinion. I don’t know about you, but Valentine’s Day is not my favorite holiday. Being single on this special day is like a stab in the heart and I know many of you feel the same way. This holiday can make many of us feel lonely and jealous towards people in a relationship. Which is a normal human response by the way. However, many don’t speak of this feeling. They brush past it and pretend it doesn’t bother them. This is not the healthy way to go about this. Trust me I know because that is exactly what I do. Yet, I realized if I truly want to become the best version of myself, I must confront all my feelings first. So, it is time to talk about Valentine’s Day singleness.
When I was younger, I loved this holiday and I believe many of you did to. We got to go to class parties, play games, and eat food. The best part though was being able to pass around valentines to classmates. Everyone’s face would light up as they picked through their box seeing what they got. It was simple. Fun. As I got older, I realized the true meaning behind Valentine’s Day, and I got even more excited. I think many of us did. The thought of having someone to share that day with made my heart flutter. That’s all I wanted. However, it has yet to work out that way. Now look, I know it will in the future, but it still hurts. How many of you feel that pain? It’s truly okay if you do. It’s a real issue a lot of us face and it’s all valid. That is what I like to call Valentine’s Day singleness. There are ways to push past that feeling. Okay okay enough with the sad stuff. Yes, we may have been feeling lonely in the past, but things are going to be different this year.
For starters, you are all young, beautiful, amazing women. You do not need a man in your life. You may want one, but you most definitely do not need one. In this time of singleness, you can still make this day great! And focus on yourself in the process. Take some time to do something you love. I know sitting in your room watching old romcoms and eating chocolate is great, but most of the time that will make you feel sadder than you already are. So, go do something you love. That’s what this day is about. This will also help you discover more things that make you happy. For me, I like to shop, read, go on small adventures with friends, write, etc. It can be anything— it just has to make you happy. :)
I would definitely not recommend being alone. It is going to make you think more which in turn will bring down your spirits. Some may see this as unhealthy because you are distracting yourself, but for Valentine’s Day or any holiday for that matter it is nice to be around the people you love. So, spend time with them. Go to a fancy dinner with your best friend. Get all dressed up and have a good night. You deserve it.
Lastly, if you really want that movie and chocolate date (me too girl), watch a comedy. Not anything depressing, but something that will make you laugh. Grab your chocolate, throw on a face mask (always got to practice self-care), and snuggle up. College is stressful so you deserve a night to just ultimately relax. Trust me you won’t regret it.
To all my single girls out there, you are just as loved as any other couple on Valentine’s Day. I feel like this isn’t talked about enough, so someone had to mention it. Use this day and every day to become the best version of yourself. This goes for relationship girls too! Remember, it is okay to be down about this topic, but try everything in your power to make Valentine’s Day one of your favorite holidays. Even without a significant other. Love you all! Reach for the stars!