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Redirect Your Love This Valentine’s Day: A Guide to Being Single this February 14th

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

Being single as a hopeless romantic on Valentine’s Day may be in the top five worst combinations to ever exist. As a hopeless romantic I have always imagined my Valentine’s Day as a 20-year-old college student to be filled with roses, heart-shaped candies, romantic dinner plans, and my boyfriend. However, life had other plans for me as many of my Valentine’s Days have been spent in bed scrolling through millions of posts dedicated to relationships while I continue eating the chocolates my mom got me from the local supermarket (no offense mom, I still love the chocolates you get!). I will admit, it is extremely discouraging to see everyone around you enjoy a relationship that you have used plenty of wishes on, however this year I needed to change that.

After years of sitting in my room discouraged at the fact that my Valentine’s Days are spent alone, I have decided to make this February 14th about me. You heard me! The holiday that you are supposed to spend expressing your love towards other people will be spent redirecting that love towards myself. If you find yourself stuck in a similar situation as me, I encourage you to follow along and make this Valentine’s Day selfishly about yourself. Now that I got the support of my fellow singles, consider this my guide to unapologetically redirecting your love toward yourself this Valentine’s Day.

Be your own dinner date

I would like to think a romantic dinner date is definitely a staple for Valentine’s Day. If you’re anything like me, I tend to avoid all restaurants on this relationship-filled day, resorting to digging out a frozen meal from the freezer or enjoying a home-cooked meal from my parents. However, this year I’ll be my own dinner date, taking myself out for anything but a frozen meal. Now, if you’re bold you could fully conquer the restaurant scene and get a table for one. However, I will admit I am not on this level yet so resorting to my variety of food-ordering apps will have to do. Whether you’re enjoying the bread basket by yourself in public or picking up your mobile order, remember to remind yourself that giving your body the food it deserves is a way of redirecting your love towards yourself.

Buy yourself some flowers (don’t forget the vase!)

Along with a romantic candle-lit dinner, Valentine’s Day wouldn’t be the same without a bouquet of fresh flowers. Head to wherever you get flowers and get yourself a fresh bouquet of your favorite ones. Whether you’re a boujee buyer getting your flowers from a florist or a broke college student like myself getting a bouquet from Trader Joe’s, you are definitely going to need a vase to put them in. Now I cleverly put this step as a segway into the next step as buying a vase gives you an excuse to go shopping!

Treat Yourself

Personally, Target is my safe, nonjudgmental space when it comes to spending my entire paycheck on one shopping trip. So you bet, that I will be walking straight under that target symbol and into the red double doors of my local target to find a vase. While you’re picking out the most fabulous vase to go with your flowers, why not stroll through the aisles to see what else catches your eye? If you’re not into Target or you already have a vase for your flowers, some other ways you can treat yourself is through nail appointments, a trip to your local bakery, at-home self-care, or a ride to your favorite spot. 

Be Kind to Your Mind 

After your wallet is drained and you’re back home from your self-love festivities, your last step to end your night is with some reassuring affirmations. If you are anything like me, being single and surrounded by relationships, sometimes you get discouraged and let your mind wander through the possibilities of why it hasn’t happened to you yet. I have been exhausted by the times that I have been told “he’s just around the corner” to then round the corner and have nobody be there. However, I am teaching myself to let go of that timeline, learning to be by myself, and reassuring myself that I will eventually get there. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, so take this time to learn how to flourish by yourself because when it does happen for you, you’ll be ready to accept all that love you have been waiting for. 

So this February 14th, be your own romantic date, treat yourself in small or large ways, buy yourself the flowers you have always wanted to receive, and remind yourself that it will eventually happen for you! (because you deserve it :))

Lyndsey is a junior Psychology and Elementary Education major. She is passionate about confronting societal norms, but also enjoys recommending Harry Styles songs to people who have never heard them.