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The Importance of Self Love on Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

I hate Valentine’s Day. Yep, I said it. To me, Valentine’s Day should not just be one day a year, but every day! And while I think showing love and appreciation for your partner is so so important, it’s even more important to show yourself that same respect. One of my closest friends recently made me rethink this dreaded holiday of mine, and put a spin on it that I would love to share with you. To her, Valentine’s Day is all about self-love, and treating yourself because you deserve it!

So, in the spirit of this newfound perspective on the day of love, I would like to provide you with a list of things you can do this Valentine’s Day that are total acts of self love. 

  1. Take a Break
    • For some of us (myself included) we are always working. Nonstop all day everyday on that “rise and grind” mentality. So, for just one day, try and relax a little. Do whatever little activities make you happy, and let yourself rest. 
  2. Buy that “Thing”
    • I know for me personally, I always have those one or two items in my online shopping cart that I hesitate buying for myself every single time I see them. Today, buy it. Whatever that thing is that you’ve been eyeing up, get it for yourself for Valentine’s Day because you deserve it.
  3. Go on a Date with Yourself
    • Now this one is a newfound love of mine. I will take myself out to a coffee shop or a bookstore, and just spend time with myself. So turn off your phone, grab your shoes, and go spend the day with the person you should love more than anyone!
  4. Order Takeout
    • Comfort foods are just the best. Go out and order yourself whatever your favorite meal is, put on your favorite show, and enjoy!
Jennifer Arden

Jefferson '25

Jenn is a second-year student in the Health Sciences: Pre-Nursing Program at Jefferson. She loves spending time with her friends and family, making Spotify playlists, and working towards her goals. Her passions include music, self-care, and self-love!