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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

My childhood was characterized by trademark shades of pine and snow, enthused “Go White!” responses to “Go Greens!” offered in passing and big “Spartan Fans Parking Only” signs guarding the garage of each house I’ve called home. Before my family moved to Colorado, we would embark on hour-and-a-half-long drives into East Lansing to see my dad’s old dorm, stand at the edge of the winding Red Cedar River and pose for family pictures in front of Sparty’s statue. This Greek warrior was both a staple image in our household and a symbol of community, strength and persistence. 

Today, he stands adorned with roses, handwritten sentiments and a heavy shroud of grief. Across the way, the painted Rock submits the longstanding question: “How many more?” and yellow caution tape blocks the entrance of Berkey Hall. A campus which usually serves as an outlet for high-energy school spirit, an avenue for impactful volunteer work and a lively haven for diversity is dark, cold and quiet this week. 

Tragedies like this bear no novelty for America’s youth. A few years before I was born, this same sorrow shook Littleton, then Blacksburg when I was 4, then Highlands Ranch when I was 16, then Uvalde when I was 19—not to mention the 360 in between. According to Sandy Hook Promise, guns are the leading cause of death among American children and teens, yet it seems that reform still sits comfortably in the back of many policymakers’ minds. 

I haven’t called Michigan home in nearly 13 years, but I feel more connected to the state now than ever. Big pushes for legal action and small kindnesses are materializing in tandem, some inspiring and bold, some quiet and gracious. All of it is heartening to witness from afar. 

The Internet has been my biggest connection to the community. I’ve seen an outpour of support on online forums, the most touching words coming from the rival school I’ve been trained to resent my whole life: “Wore MSU gear at UMich today.” “I don’t know what to say.” “As a Blue fan, Go Green.” Locals have opened their homes to other hurting families, mindfulness jars and care packages will be donated to the university’s counseling center and services have helped the town heal and honor the lives of the three students lost. 

At the vigil at the Rock last Thursday, Michigan State’s beloved, down-to-earth basketball coach didn’t charge out of the tunnel with his team or fire up a crowd of sports fans. Instead, Tom Izzo stood before his community with a heavy heart and a call to action. 

“Let me close with a challenge,” he said after promising listeners that joy would someday return to the lives of those affected by the East Lansing tragedy. “Let us do a better job taking care of each other.”

Sparty still exemplifies community, strength and persistence, now more than ever. Whether you are a Michigan resident or feeling the impact from thousands of miles away, here are some ways to contribute to the cause or take care of yourself: 

Donate to the Spartans Strong Fund

Resources for Coping with Tragedy – Howard Center

Common Ground – Helps community members in crisis. Call -1-800-231-1127; Or Text “Hello” to connect with a crisis counselor.

OK2SAY – Students can talk to a trusted adult if they see or hear something that doesn’t seem right. Call 855-565-2729; text 652729; or email OK2SAY@mi.gov

SAMHSA’s National Helpline – 1-800-662-HELP (4357)

Sydney is a contributing writer and the Editor-in-Chief at Her Campus (CU Boulder), currently overseeing a team of six awesome Editorial Assistants. She joined Her Campus during her first semester of college, and her favorite things to write are concert/album reviews, reflective essays and local news. She loves getting to empower writers to explore their unique voices and contribute their insights, all the while learning something new from each of them every day. Sydney is a senior majoring in Strategic Communication (Public Relations) and pursuing minors in Journalism and Creative Writing. She's worked in retail and Student Affairs all throughout college, and following graduation (December 2024), she hopes to combine her passions for creative writing, nonprofit work, connectivity and literacy access to ensure a brighter future for upcoming generations. While she's not writing or studying, you can find her reading, attending concerts around Denver, shooting portraits, hiking, spending time with family or rewatching "Coraline" for the millionth time. She hopes to publish a novel someday, and in the maybe-near-maybe-far future, pursue an MFA in creative writing.