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I Suffer from Lucky Girl Syndrome, and Everything Keeps Going My Way

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

I’m going to be so astronomically for real with you right now. 2022 was not my best year. Of course, it had some ups, but for the most part, I was really down on myself and didn’t have a lot going on. That was a major issue for me because with all my free time, I started pouring too much into other people. I ended up getting hurt because of it time and time again. I told myself that 2023 was going to be a completely different story. 

One of the major changes I made going into the new year was the mindset that no matter what it is I’m doing, everything goes my way. Opportunities are always flying in my face, and great things are always happening to me unexpectedly. I promised myself that I would immerse myself into fully believing that I’m super lucky and everything just works out for me. I kid you not when I say all the things I wanted to pursue in the new year started to simply fall in my lap. 

This idea, coined by TikTok, is called “Lucky Girl Syndrome.” The idea emphasizes luck and consistently reminding yourself that the universe is working in your favor and making good things happen to you. It’s a little bit of a spin on the “power of positive thinking” craze. I first discovered this idea through the buzz on TikTok and decided to try it out myself.

I started implementing this mindset when I was home for winter break. Keep in mind that I’m from Minnesota, and it was legitimately -30 degrees outside. Seasonal depression was at an all-time high, and I was so ready to go back to school for the second semester. Before I went back, though, I knew I had to change something or else the spring semester would be just like fall. I decided that starting then, things didn’t have a choice but to work out for me. I was going to start being delusional. I started applying to all sorts of internships, clubs, magazines etc. Some of them I was just purely interested in and had absolutely no prior experience with. That didn’t stop me from believing I would get them, though. I mean… why wouldn’t I? I’m lucky and good things always happen to me, right?

Come the new year and semester, decisions are coming out, and would you believe it… I was getting accepted into everything I applied for! I got the internship that I really wanted and a couple of other opportunities that would help me figure out what I want to do with my major and life. Plus, anything that didn’t “work out” was actually happening in my favor. Something better was going to come along. At least, that’s what I told myself!

Now, look. I’m not the type of person to believe in magic or anything, but I do really think that changing my mindset to this type of thinking has made me more aware of all the opportunities and goodness that have always been circulating in my life. It opened my eyes to the things I was blind to before. I definitely plan on continuing Lucky Girl Syndrome and seeing just how lucky I can get! 

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Hi everyone! I'm a sophomore here at FSU, studying media communications and am so excited to write for HerCampus! I hope you love reading my articles!