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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

Being a college student, stress is definitely a huge figment and variable in all of our lives. Between 5-6 classes, clubs, sports, social life, and keeping a budget… It’s no wonder the majority of us struggle to get at least 5 hours of sleep. I am not a doctor whatsoever but I want to share some tips that have helped me personally get through those stressful college moments.

  1. Getting Proper Sleep

I know most people will read this and think, “I would sleep if I could but that is not possible,” but let me tell you it is. When you stay up later than usual and pull all-nighters to do homework or study for an exam, you are actually more likely to hand in half done work and fail an exam. Something that helps me get more rest is setting a timer. I start my homework at 7:00, and no matter what I am doing, when my alarm goes off at 10:20 pm, I know it’s time to start getting ready for bed. Trust me, you will wake up feeling energized and more ready for those exams and papers!

  1. Be Active 

I don’t always have the time to go to the gym, but being active does not mean doing a full workout. Being active could be as easy as taking a walk, walking to class, riding your bike, doing a dance workout, or other simple ways to keep your body moving. Being active helps refocus the mind and helps to create and design new ideas. This could help with not only physical health, but mental as well. 

  1. Self Care

Self care is extremely important for college students. At the end of the day, you are the only person who will always be there for yourself. Taking yourself out on a date, buying that coffee you crave, or even doing simple things such as watching your favorite TV show or doing a face mask can help you take a break from reality and focus on your own needs.

  1. Managing Time in an Organized Matter

Obviously you are going to be stressed out if you are not keeping a calendar. I keep a planner for my assignments, and then a whiteboard calendar for my social events and clubs. This helps me tremendously because I know what needs to be done, and this  keeps me from rethinking and trying to remember what I need to do.

  1. Journaling

Keeping a journal for yourself and just writing down anything you feel without any judgment can seriously help in so many ways. There have been times where I will write something and not even realize that was how I felt about something. It feels good to have this sort of outlet as well, where I can transport my stress into. 

These are 5 tips on how to handle the stresses that college may bring you along the way. These are tips and ideas that have helped me personally, and strategies that I suggest trying at least once. 

Secondary Education English major who loves coffee and criminal minds♡