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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

Traveling is a very fun way to cut back and relax with friends and family. It is a way to get closer to friends, build your social resume, and gain the essential embarrassing story for later. It’s a way to see everything the world has to offer. Despite this, there are unsafe places in this world and you and your friends need to be ready to protect yourself if needed. Here are some ways to say safe

  1. Never go anywhere alone
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This is obvious I know, but going somewhere alone is seriously unsafe. Herd mentality is real, and people are less likely to approach a group than one person. It is also spring break, why would you want to do things alone anyways? Clubbing and such is more fun with friends anyway.

  1. Yeah they’re cute, but don’t do it y’all

No judgment zone here, but do not leave clubs with strangers. Or anywhere with strangers. Leaving with phone numbers- good does it get a spring break romance started but do it safely. If you decide to take things elsewhere, bring a friend. It might kill the mood but it will likely save you from the morning after regrets.

  1. They’re not a buzz kill, they’re safety

Having a DD (even if you are ubering) is smart. Having a sober person to help make decisions and check to make sure everyone is ok is responsible, not “killing the vibe”. Y’all can rotate daily who is the DSF (designated sober friend) to make sure everyone equally has a good time but y’all are safe.

  1. Don’t overpack

I know it is tempting to pack every cute outfit you can think of, I know for me personally, it is, but it is not the wisest. Depending on where you go, people will pickpocket, break into cars, or break into hotel rooms. If you absolutely have to bring that one cute necessity, make sure it is in a well-secured place.

  1. Speaking of keeping things close and secure…

If you have front pockets, keep your wallet and such in them. If your fit does not have pockets (which sadly are most) wear a secure purse that is easy to hold close. Crossbodies are stylish and a great way to make sure your bag is protected.

  1. Wear sunscreen

Tanning may be in, but sunburns are not. A simple swipe of sunscreen in your morning routine is important in keeping your skin gorgeous and safe, especially at the beach or other places where you will be outside a lot.

  1. Know the emergency number for where you go

If you’re staying in the US, we all know it’s 911 but do you know the number around the world? It is vital to make sure you know the number for any emergencies that happen.

  1. Make an itinerary 

Knowing ahead of time what you are going to do is a safe way to make sure each place you travel is safe and that you have the funds for it. If you have a heads up on where you are going you can also research exit strategies and how to get the most out of your time there.

  1. Watch for weather

Knowing what the weather is like where you are going to ensure you pack the right close and gear needed, and when to go to certain places for your safety. You can have just as much fun in a hotel room as you can outside. 

  1. You don’t have to go all out

Traveling does not have to be a competition. Don’t worry too much about getting the perfect insta pic of completing everything on your to-do list to a T. Just have fun, stay safe, and make memories!

Breanna Gayle is a senior Special Education major here at Winthrop as well as an exec member for Chi Omega and Circle of Sisterhood!! She is also a member of the Council for Exceptional Children. She can usually be seen hanging around campus with friends or getting an iced coffee. She is very excited and honored to be a part of the Her Campus crew!!